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Tripp's POV

She was devastated. The only sound I heard all the way back to her house was her soft sobs, shaking her small body.

Ms. Leanne was frantic on the phone, but I assured her Brooke was fine and would explain when she got there. Brooke's mother isn't the type of woman to take the words "Hey mom, I'm pregnant and don't remember it because I was wasted." very well.

I drove a little slower than usual, just to give her time to get her head together before her mother and Paige bombard her with questions, demanding answers.

I took a deep breath and tried to sift through my thoughts from that night.

"Is she okay?" Chelsea asked as I walked back into the crowd of people. "She'll be fine. No thanks to you." Is that my voice slurring? I took another drink from Josh and downed it. The mixture of alcohol and adreneline in my system had my head spinning. A few drinks later and I couldn't stop laughing. Everything was a blur, and I kept blacking out. I need to go check on Brooke. I stumbled up the stairs and managed to clumsily stagger into Chelsea's bedroom. Brooke was awake. Wasn't she? Okay, good, she's okay. It was a blur, but she smelt good. It was dark.

I don't remember anything besides that. And that doesn't help anything. I just went to check on her. I don't remember anyone going up there.

I woke up on Josh's couch during the night, around 5:30am, with a splitting headache, and still dizzy. Not nearly sober enough to be driving, but sober enough to know I needed to get her home. Thank God I didn't wreck on the way to her house. I could've killed us both.

Leanne and Paige were waiting outside when I pulled into the driveway. Brooke still hadn't said a word.

I turned off the truck and jogged around the truck to open her door for her.

As soon as she stepped out of the truck, Leanne was in front of her. "What's wrong? What happened?" She took Brooke's face into her hands.

Something was telling me to stay. I watched as Brooke turned her tear stained face away from her mother and her sobs continued.

"At that party.." She struggled to keep her voice. "I'm-" Leanne stopped her by waving her hands. "Who was it?" As soon as Leanne asks the question she looks past Brooke and straight at me.

Brooke shook her head vigorously. "I don't know who it is. I don't remember."

Leanne's facial expression quickly turned from concern to disgust. "You're telling me you got pregnant and you don't remember getting that way?" The tone of her voice let me know she didn't believe her.

I have to bite my tongue from defending Brooke when Leanne flings around and stalks toward the house. Brooke threw her purse over her shoulder and started to follow her mother into the house as I turn to go back to my truck, and suddenly I heared Leanne yell. "You're not staying here. Go find your baby's father and stay with him."

That was it, my blood began to boil. I had never disrespected Brooke's mother but that was just uncalled for. I stepped out from behind my truck and called after Leanna, "There's no reason for that." Brooke was still sobbing and trying to regain control of herself, and so I crossed the yard, and wrapped Brooke in my arms. "Get your stuff and get out." Leanne ignored my comment and addressed Brooke. Brooke pushed away from me and rushed toward the house.

The whole time, Paige just watched on in shock. Hasn't this family been through enough already?

I stayed by the truck and waited. I knew she would have to stay with me until she figured out what her next move was.

She returned with a suitcase full and hanging over her shoulder. Her eyes were puffy and her face was frozen in a deep sadness. She looked confused and exhausted.

I hadn't even noticed the time. It was after midnight. I helped her into the truck with her bag and climbed in. Without asking her, I started the truck and drove to my house.

My mother was still asleep when we arrived and I quietly unlocked the door and let her inside.

Her shoulders were slouched and she was sniffing constantly. "I would offer you my bed but my room is a mess. The couch is alright. I'll clean up my room so you can have my bed tomorrow. "

I turned to go get her a blanket but she grabbed my hand and I pulled her to my chest. She nuzzled her face into my chest and I held her as I tight as I thought I could without hurting her. Or the baby.

When she finally got tired, I led her to the couch and sat down beside her. I flipped channels, using the voices on the TV to block out the voices in my head.

"You okay?" I brushed her hair away from her face and watched her eyes as they developed more tears even as she watched TV, and they slowly rolled down her flushed cheeks. She nodded.

Sympathy and worry for Brooke was quickly being replaced by anger. How could someone take advantage of her?

Tomorrow, lots of people would be getting interrogated. May God have mercy on the person that did it. Cause I sure won't.

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