Chapter 39

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A/N I've changed the person that portrays Brooke. It was Hetti Bywater from Eastenders, but I've changed it to Anna Sophia Robb, as I think she would make a better Brooke. :) The updates will take a little longer to post now, since I write as I go, and I want to make them as good as they can be, so bear with me. Don't forget to share, vote, and comment! It helps a lot. :)

Friday night: Brian's work dinner.

"Brooke, hurry up!" Paige rushed me from the living room. I examined myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing my wrist clutch and walking out of my bedroom to meet Paige. "You look gorgeous." She smiled and gave me a small hug. One of the dresses from Clin--Tripp, fit perfectly. It was a deep shade of purple, and the soft material was so comfy against my steadily growing belly. I decided to wear flats since my ankles were becoming increasingly uncomfortable as I approached 6 months of pregnancy. Before I knew it, Luke would be here. Which made me nervous, but excited at the same time.

People keep telling me he won't let me sleep, but I'll probably be awake anyway. I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in weeks. Since Tripp and and I started fighting all the time. I hated feeling so far away from him, when all I really wanted to do was go over to his house, curl up in his arms and let him make everything better like he always had.

I didn't even have the energy to hate Brian at this point, so I gave in and dressed up for the dinner. I was quite sure the news had gotten back to my mother by now that Tripp was Luke's father and I didn't need to draw attention to myself right now by showing up to a formal dinner in jeans and a hoodie. I was sure I would be called a liar again tonight. However, that wouldn't surprise me.

The female brain is an amazing, complex organ. Yet it can't make up it's mind about one simple thing.

Maybe it did, but you're fighting against it. My subconscious whispers, and swallow hard as I climb into Paige's truck.

Tripp had made me so mad lately, and we seemed to always be at odds because he was trying to simplify a situation that wasn't simple. It wasn't like we adopted a puppy together; We created another life, and as Luke's mother I have to do what it best for him regardless of who it hurts, including myself. I wasn't the bad guy.

Sure, I shouldn't lash out at Tripp as much as I do, but I guess they always say it's easier to be frustrated at someone you care about. If I didn't care about him, I wouldn't let him get to me so bad. My insides wouldn't be a war zone.

Tripp challenged me in ways I never knew possible. Before Luke, our relationship was simple. He was my best friend and we looked out for each other. We hung out, had fun, joked around, bottom like is real life had always been at arms length.

"You sure are quiet." Paige interrupted my thoughts and caused me to jump as she turned down a main road, headed for this gathering I was so heartily dreading.

"Sorry. A lot on my mind." I mumbled, looking out the window. Trying to picture what life would be like if I just up and went back to Texas. I won't lie, it had crossed my mind a time or two. I missed home. But let's face it, too much held me here right now. Paige was obviously tied down here for reasons I had yet to discover. My mother didn't even want me around anymore, much less go back home with me. And I couldn't just up and take Tripp's son somewhere 812 miles away.

I shook my head and ignored Paige's attempts to dig out of me what was bothering me, and we finally pulled into the crowded parking lot at Gracetown City Hall's Ballroom building for parties and weddings. Tonight it served the purpose of bragging on Brian, as if I hadn't heard enough of that when I lived at home with my mother.

We walked in and the man at the door asked for our names. It was a large, brick, cabin-looking building. The inside was decorated lavishly, circular tables draped in white linen and candelabras.Soft jazz music that sounded like something out of the fifties played softly, and if I wasn't so uptight, it might relax me.

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