Chapter 22

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As I stumbled down the hall to the bathroom, I heard a noise coming from the end of the hall. A girls voice, moaning, a guys deeper, raspier voice, panting. Someone was having sex. Which wasn't unusual for one of these parties.

I'm not one to creep, but I was high.

The door wasn't closed all the way, so I giggled to myself as I looked through the small crack in the door, and no amount of weed could keep what I saw from shocking me to my core.

Brooke's POV

I took my seat in the front of the class, and pulled out my World Religion textbook. I was raised in a Baptist church, but I was always curious about what everyone else believed, and why.

Just as the professor stood in front of the class, the classroom door opened and a young man walked in. He was well built, dark blonde hair, blue eyes. He was dressed in khaki shorts and a blue pinstripe button down. He apologized to professor Greene for his tardiness, and took the seat next to mine.

"Hi, I'm Clint. Clint Harper. And I'm never late." He smiled and stuck his hand out for to shake. I laugh and counter with, "I'm Brooke Greenburg, and I'm always late." And we both laugh quietly as the professor begins teaching about the different types of religious practices they have in China.

I noticed Clint looking at me a handful of times, but I wasn't too worried. I knew he would run flailing when my protruding belly was no longer hidden by a desk.

The professor dismissed us and I slowly stood at the same time as Clint. He smiled at me, and his eyes drifted to the lump under my shirt. "Are you.?" His cheeks were flushing and I smiled a little. "Yes. It's a long story that you'd never believe if I told you." He chuckle a little. He nods and smiles again, a genuine smile.

Well, he isn't running yet.

"Try me." He can't be serious. I turn to walk and he trots up beside me. "And let me carry that for you." Before I can protest, he takes my messenger bag full of books off of my shoulder and hoists it onto his own stronger, broader shoulder.

"Well, I went to a senior party with a...friend of April. I did something really stupid and drank to much. My friend took me to an upstairs bedroom to let me sleep it off, and the last thing I remember is blacking out. I vaguely remember something happening that night, but nothing is clear."

Clint nods the whole time I'm telling the story, taking in what I'm saying, and he doesn't seem to be judging me. "Do you think you might have been raped?" He throws a possibility out there that I hadn't thought of. "I don't think so. I never had any pain after that night. I think I slept with someone and was just too wasted to remember." I look down at my feet as we walk down the hall toward my last class of the evening.

He just nods. "Why aren't you in any of my other classes?" I finally ask, curious as to why I didn't see him all day. "I actually am," He laughs a little and pushes both our bags up higher on his shoulder. "I just sit in the back. I don't usually answer out loud unless I'm called on. Believe it or not, I'm pretty quiet." His smile is nice, but I catch myself comparing it to Tripp's the more we talk. His smile stops at his mouth, but Tripp's travels up to his eyes, and lights up his entire face. And everyone around him.

We walk in to American Literature, and he walks to sit at the back of the large classroom. full of young adults like myself anxious to go home. Or in my case, to work until midnight.

Luke had gotten on my sleep schedule, and kicked the whole time I worked. Which, I won't lie, makes work more enjoyable.

I said goodbyes to Clint after he walked me to my car, and drove straight to the grocery store to grab some things before work.

I gave 'eating for two' a definition lately. I didn't have a pregnancy craving, I just craved everything. I was always hungry. This was going to be one serious chub of a baby.

As I turned my cart off the cereal aisle, it collided with another buggy. I began apologizing like a mad woman and looked up to see Chelsea and Josh.

"Hey," Josh smiles brightly as always, and Chelsea's eyes look like they will bug out of her head when she see's my larger tshirt still pulling against my belly. I forgot that no one from highschool except Josh knew that I was pregnant.

"How's Tripp?" Josh breaks the awkward silence and Chelsea's rude staring, and I manage a smile. "He's good I guess. We don't talk much since he got his new job at the paper." Josh nods and in an awkward guy kind of way asks me how 'it' is going. I can only assume he means the pregnancy and I tell him it's fine.

It's so weird seeing people from highschool and being so pregnant. I thought that would happen at some reunion one day, not the summer after highschool ended.

I tried to ignore Chelsea's too-loud whisper "I can't believe she's pregnant."

Neither can I, Chelsea. Neither can I.

(If anyone wants to know who I picture as Clint Harper, it's Scott Eastwood. :))

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