Chapter 2 - Case i

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You arrived at the Jeon residence right on time that cloudy morning, ready to relieve Mrs Jeon of her 'possessed' son. Obviously you were going to evaluate the situation to see if this 'Jungkook' really was possessed by an evil spirit or not, or if it was just his mother overreacting because her son was going through a late puberty and was rebelling against her. That had happened quite a few times.

However, ever since you had woken up in the early hours of the morning, you were plagued by a strange feeling. It wasn't a good one either. Something told you that going to the Jeon's home was a bad idea. That same gut instinct that told you something was wrong. You decided not to completely ignore it, but just be very careful.   

Yugyeom had driven the van that contained the safe padded walls in the back, so you could pick up the victimised boy, instead of having to do an exorcism in their home. 

Exorcisms could get very messy, very quickly, so it was your bosses wishes to bring the culprit back to the facility where it could be done in a controlled and safe environment. However the tricky part (apart from the actual exorcism) was actually convincing the culprit to come with them and into the van without hurting them, which is the reason why it was against the rules to do cases alone. 

You went through the metal gate and up some stairs to the front door.
Taking a deep inhale, then a long exhale, you gave yourself a quick inner pep talk before knocking.

You could do this. You have carried out these jobs before.

But then why was there a nagging invisible string tugging at your fight or flight instincts? Something was off.

You shook your head at your silly thoughts and raised your hand against the expensive polished wood. 

"Like I said in the letter, he's not been himself."

You sat with Yugyeom and Jackson around the table with mugs of hot beverages made kindly by your host, Mrs Jeon.

Once being let into the household you had immediately felt the coolness of something dark caress and slither across your skin. You had passed by the radiators as the mother had invited you in, and you had felt that they were emitting heat telling you that they were on. Yet the house was still so cold

"You said in your description that your son was possessed, Mrs Jeon?" You started, looking at the woman from across the table, who sat there pale faced, tense and worried for the events to come. "Why do you think that?" 

"I-I explained most of it to you already. He's not himself, but..." She trailed off. You searched her eyes to find something, anything. She looked back up at you, eyes that threatened to release tears. 

"'But' what?"

"But that's not all. I didn't mention a few things."

"Like what, Mrs Jeon?" Jackson spoke this time, not liking the fact that information was kept from them. You glanced at him, noting his seemingly irritable mood that he rarely got into. 

"Like these visions I keep having, ever since he started acting strangely. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy of something of the sort." The woman across you admitted, almost guiltily. Odd

"What kind of visions?" You urged her to continue. 

"Horrific ones." She replied bluntly. "I woke up a few nights ago to see Jungkook, standing at the end of my bed and...His eyes, I could've sworn they glowed red! A bright orange like red!"

"Are you sure you're not just tired?" Yugyeom put in, getting a glare from you. He merely shrugged in response.

"Its ok, Mrs Jeon. That's why we are here to help." You said soothingly. "Can you take me to your son?" 

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