One · · · Monta

85 2 4

Mayno, Gazar

MONTA RUEMON GRUNTED WHEN HE COULDN'T FIT the two pieces of constant metal together. His fingers turned orange as they became warm and hot, trying to mend and melt the pieces together. They scraped against each other and in a few seconds, one clanged to the floor.

"Ugh!" Monta yelled to the sky.

His little sister's head, Ralli, popped through the door of his room. At first, she was smiling, but then she started to frown.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "And why are you yelling at the ceiling?"

Monta rolled his eyes at her. "Go away," he muttered.

Instead, Ralli stepped in the doorway.
Monta grabbed the closest thing near him, except for the constant metal, and threw a greasy cloth at his sister. It landed a few feet in front of Ralli.

"Rude," she grunted as she walked to sit on Monta's bed.

"I told you to go away," he begged.

Ralli pouted and copied, "I told you to go away."

Monta rolled his eyes again. "Stupid," he muttered.

"Stupid," said Ralli.

"Alright, alright. I'm trying to put these two pieces of constant metal together for mala's birthday."

"Mala? Mother? What is it?" Ralli turned her head as if she wasn't looking at it right.

Monta did the same. "You know what, I don't really know. I'm hoping that whatever I make will turn out right."

Ralli's eyes brightened and she blurted, "Me too because I don't want you to give mala something that you will regret. So please don't mess it up."

From downstairs, Monta heard a voice that said, "Monta! Ralli! Are you home?"

As quickly as he could, Monta shoved his two pieces of constant metal in his closet and closed it.

"Yes, Mala!" he replied. "We're here!"

"Hmm!" Ralli said through a bite of chautta candy.

"Come on," said Monta taking Ralli's sticky hand.

They trampled down the stairs of their small little house to find their mala looking out the window. When she heard their footsteps she looked towards them and smiled. Her eyes were like ice crystals, pure ice blue. Her skin was light brown which made her dark blood red hair look weird amongst the colors of her skin. It was in tight curls that ended around her elbows, and that was when it was put up in a ponytail.

Both Ralli and Monta got their mala's beautiful blood red hair, as opposed to their father's vivid light red hair. With Ralli's eyes being dark brown, almost black like a kakama tree's roots and bark, Monta possessed his mother's sparkling crystal blue eyes.

"What are you looking at, mala," Ralli asked their mother.

"The people next door," she said waving her children over. "Come look, my wanas."

Monta and Ralli quickly paced across the creaky floorboards and looked out the window with their mala.

The first thing Monta saw out the frosted window was snow as if fell from the sky and landed on the welcome mat of their neighbors. Monta was about to ask what was wrong until he saw a bright purple foot land on the mat that said, Saboin!

The girl, who looked about ten births, had radiant blonde hair that seemed to offset the color of her vibrant purple skin. When she looked left towards the window, Monta was amazed to look into her eyes. They were deeper and darker than Ralli's eyes and had bright blue and gold specks in them that made her eyes look like the Milky Way of Mistar. Her cheeks were flushed blue from the cold weather outside which made her dark purple freckles pop out on her skin.

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