Twenty-Four · · · Ophryn

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Journey to Rol/Casest Village Airfield, Faz, Rol

RYN SMILED WHEN HE SAW THE REACTION ON MELL'S FACE. It was priceless. Her bottom jaw dropped as she took a step toward Kast's seat. She put a hand on the back of his chair to steady herself as she stared into the stars. The galaxy around then was a mix of blue, black, purple, orange, red, and yellow. All the colors swirled together in front of them. Zons away, Ryn thought he could see the planet Rol.

Mell sighed before she said, "It's beautiful. Have you guys ever flown outside of Pezda's atmosphere?"

Ryn nodded his head and answered for both Kast and himself. "Many times during training."

"Wow," Mell said, sounding dumbfounded. "They must have taught you guys everything."

"Not everything," Kast replied, staring out into the stars. They seemed to fascinate him more than they fascinated Mell. "Many things, but not everything."

Turning to leave, Mell said, "I could look at this all day but I'm tired and I'd rather sit down."

"What about Ryn's seat?" Kast asked, finally looking up at Mell instead of the stars.

Mell rolled her eyes at him. "For the reason you just said. It's Ryn's seat."

"Pff," Kast huffed. "Ryn doesn't mind. Do ya, Ryn."

Ryn shrugged his shoulders. "Kind of. I was going to see what they had on the flyer and then come back. While I'm gone, Mell can sit in my chair if she wants."

Mell shook her head and backed up out of the cockpit. "Thanks for the other but I'm kinda tired. I think I'll just go rest my eyes."

Kast frowned. "Okay. If you want to," he said like a scolded baby wolfa. Kast then turned his eyes back to the stars and stared at them in amazement.

Ryn followed Mell into the cabin of the O.R. flyer, its walls lined in windows and seats. Ossian sat under one of the seats, almost hidden in the shadow and his dark fur. Boxes laid in the back of the flyer, which attracted Ryn's attention making him step forward to get a closer look at them. He watched Mell sit back into the seat she was in before as Ryn approached the boxes. Ryn bent down and put one beneath his knees and opened it to find a set of knives laid down neatly in a pile of aca wood shavings.

Gently placing his hands over one of the handles, Ryn picked up one of the blades to examine it. The knife was light in his hands and had a good balance, which meant it was excellent for fighting. The blade was shiny and new and made out of silver constant metal. As Ryn moved it from hand to hand, the handle felt comfortable in each of his palms, which was due to a ribbon of potu cotton and constant metal fabric sewn together to create a soft but durable grip. Ryn put the knife in his boot and moved the box to his right side, saving it for later. He then grabbed an identical blade and got up to walk over to Mell.

Ryn held the blade out in front of Mell as she gave him a look of disgust when she saw it. "What's that for?" she asked. "Ya know, if you wave that thing any closer to my face, I could die."

Rolling his eyes, Ryn said, "I'm not going to hurt you, Mell, but I think you should take it."

"Why?" Mell asked as she pushed his hand away. "I don't want some dirty knife that's capable of killing people."

"I never said you would have to hurt anybody," Ryn replied as he grabbed her hand. Then he forcefully put the knife in her fingers when she wouldn't open her fist. "I'm just trying to help you, Mell. You're a princess. You don't have your guards to protect you anymore, not with your parents... You have to find a way to protect yourself when Kast and I aren't around. Do you see what I'm saying?'

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