Twelve · · · Ophryn

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Aca Forests, Casta, Pezda/Harbor of Thonits, Pent, Pezda

RYN FELT LONELY AS HE TRUDGED THROUGH THE WOODS. He had already called Ossian's name for seemed like the thousandth time and the baby wolfa still wasn't coming to his call. From how light it was getting, Ryn could tell that the sun was coming up. Because of his deal with Mell, he knew that she probably stopped in her tracks to sleep.

In the distance, Ryn heard a yelp. It sounded like Ossian, so he ran forward hurtling over enormous bushes and logs that were in his way. The farther he went, the more nervous he got that he was going to get lost. If Ryn found Ossian, the pup could lead him back to Mell and Cossie. He had no choice to keep going and find Ossian.

"Ossian!" he called again and instead of the wolfa's little howl Ryn heard a big, sharp snarl.

The sound startled Ryn making him trip over a root and fall face first into the ground. When he looked up, he saw Ossian a few zas away. His fuzzy fur, small stature, and blue eyes are what Ryn noticed him. The pup seemed dazed and didn't seem to know that Ryn was even there.

Slowly, Ryn got up. He could feel the warm red blood in his nose as it started to bleed. He casually turned around to see what Ossian was looking at and found himself face to face giant wolfa. It looked even bigger than Cossie and because of the way its face was shaped, Ryn was pretty sure the wolfa was Nunpossidan, Ossian's father.

Nunpossidan towered over Ryn making him shake in his shoes. The wolfa's breathes were heavy and wet on Ryn's face and it took all his willpower not move. Ryn so desperately wanted to talk to Nunpossidan, but he was scared the wolfa would lash out at him if he did. To Ryn's surprise, the wolfa spoke first.

Why are you following my son, Nunpossidan growled inside of Ryn's head.

Ryn wanted to say that he was trying to return Ossian to his mother, but he didn't know how the wolfa would react if Ryn mentioned Cossie name.

Instead, Ryn said, I'm retrieving him for a friend.

Nunpossidan growled in response and started to circle Ryn. When the wolfa's enormous head was behind Ryn, Nunpossidan flicked his tail hitting Ryn square in the face. Ryn didn't move though. He was too scared too.

When Nunpossidan was facing him again, the wolfa said, I don't believe you Pent. Nunpossidan growled again before he asked, What is a Pent doing on land? I thought they all lived under the waves.

The wolfa snarled and bared his teeth when he mentioned the country under water.

Not all Pents are under the waves all the time. We mostly come on dry land to make a trade and fight in our war, Ryn replied hoping to not give too much away.

And why are you here? Nunpossidan asked before circling Ryn again.

"War," Ryn said aloud only to be snapped and apart of his ear bitten.

Ryn ground his teeth together and rolled his eyes trying to ignore the pain. It was hard to ignore though due to the hot, itching sensation on the side of his face.

Nunpossidan didn't seem to notice and said, No speaking aloud, human.

Ryn gulped and nodded his head. Of course, I won't do that anymore.

The giant wolfa huffed and kept circling him. Ryn could feel Nunpossidan's breath on the back of his neck and it made him shiver. He had gotten over his fear for wolfas when he became friends with Cossie and Ossian, and he knew Nunpossidan couldn't bring it back. Ryn kept a straight face as he looked into Nunpossidan's deadly yellow eyes.

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