Fifteen · · · Tapalla (.4)

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Tapalla found herself being shaken awake by Monta. He didn't wear a smile on his frown and purple pools hung just above his cheekbones and underneath his eyes. His pajama shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his bare chest and muscles, but he didn't seem to care. When he saw her eyes open, he walked across the room and came back with her clothes.

"Quickly," he said, sounding frightened though it didn't show in his eyes. "The Night Warriors. They found us. They're here, waiting to strike."

Tapalla gulped, now also frightened. She wanted to hug Monta, but she knew he didn't want it. Friends, she had to remember and kept repeating it in her head.

Monta seemed to notice her turmoil as he was deciding to walk away or not. Then he took her in his arms for one last hug, though it was hasty and he quickly let go. Tapalla longed for his embrace.

"Thanks," Tapalla said as he was just about to leave the room.

Her words stopped him in his tracks, but he didn't say anything and after a few seconds left with the door cracked.

Tapalla jumped from her bed and turned the bathroom light on so she wouldn't be blinded the bedroom's lights. As fast as she could, Tapalla got dressed in her clothes from the day before and ran out of her room. There, she found Monta waiting for her along with Jastka. The guard had taken out his constant metal sword and was covered in the same kind of armor. He even had a helmet which covered the top and sides of his head leaving his face exposed.

"Come on," he growled turning around to walk down the hallway. "Follow me and try to keep quiet."

Tapalla took Monta's hand, but not in comfort. It was to know he was there so she wouldn't lose him. The house was pitch black and she could barely see Jastka face in front of her and her eyes still had to adjust. The darkness of the house made her scared that the Night Warriors could be walking with them. Tapalla could only hope that wasn't true.

"Do you know anything about Chaka and Ray?" Tapalla asked Monta, loud enough so only he could hear her.

"Nope," he whispered back.

In front of them, Jastka stopped making them almost run into him. He put his hand back telling them him to stop. Out of nowhere, a metal rod came at Jastka's face. Somehow he dodged it, letting Tapalla hear it cleanly cut into the wall behind them.

It was a Night Warrior.

"Light?" Monta asked sticking his hands into the air.

"That would be nice," Jastka replied sensing a fight coming.

In an instant, Monta's hands started to glow lighting up the room with a warm orange glow. Right in front of Jastka's face was a Night Warrior. The man's face was filled with rage and his eyes seemed to glow silver in the light. Out of his pitch black skin, gray constant metal grew into long, very sharp swords from the inside of his wrists. He was gifted with metal. Tapalla watched him glance at her and smile.

"We've been waiting for you, princess," he snarled sounding like a snake.

Frightened, Tapalla took a step back as Monta stood firm, brave enough to want to want to confront the metal Night Warrior. Even though he acted brave, from behind Tapalla could see him shivering in terror.

"You can't have her," Monta said as strong as he could.

The metal Night Warrior and nodded his head as another Night Warrior stepped out of the shadows. This Warrior looked the same as the first one, but his pitch-black hand turned neon green at his fingertips. Tapalla kept glancing from his black eyes to his green hands as he spoke.

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