Sixteen · · · Ophryn (.3)

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This was Ryn's leave. He couldn't stand to watch. Kast was never a strong fighter, and if a fight started Ryn didn't didn't want to see Kast get beat. So Ryn decided to leave. He crossed the street with such a confident walk that the people parted for him. To keep walking down the street, people walked behind him instead of in front. They seemed to be scared of the Pent soldiers, not daring to come close to Ryn. From the ones he could see, Ryn could tell that the Castans were the ones that were the most afraid.

When Ryn entered the jail, he could see that what Kast had told Mack wasn't all a lie. Jorda stood leaning a back wall flipping through a magazine. As soon as Ryn stepped into the room, Jorda looked up from his magazine and eyed Ryn. He looked back down the magazine in his hands, flipped to the next page, and folded the corner so he wouldn't lose his page. He tossed it on the main desk before he cracked his knuckles, smiling at Ryn.

"Kast contacted me earlier. He said he wanted my help," Jorda said.

"So will you help?" Ryn asked taking a step back.

Jorda only smiled wider as he said, "I thought about it, and yes. I will help. Especially since Kast doesn't want to stay here. I'm his cover, although I'll probably get servilely punished for letting the prisoners escape but, anything for my boy, no?"

Ryn gulped and nodded. He still wasn't sure if he could trust Jorda or not. "I thought Kast said he didn't want to come with us."

Jorda nodded. "Yes, that's true, but then he changed his mind when we were talking about it. I guess he plans to come, so don't leave him behind."

Ryn creased his eyebrows together in frustration. Why didn't Kast tell me he wanted to come?

"Do you have the keys?" Ryn asked as he ran to the stairs.

When he was all the way down them, he turned around to see a set of keys hurtling towards his face. Before they could hit him in the nose, Ryn caught them in midair. He then ran to the cells, trying each key at every door he came to.

"You're free," he said finding a key for one of the last doors. He looked up to see the Castan servants cowering away from him. They were probably thinking that Ryn was either going to torture or execute them. "I know it might not look like it, but I'm with Princess Mell. She trusts me enough to save you guys from this prison. When she came to help Day, Mell couldn't stand by and watch all of you get tortured. She wants to save you guys, so she sent me and another Pent soldier to save you. All you have to do in follow me out the back doors."

As the Castan servants slowly walked out of their prison cells, unsure if Ryn was telling the truth, Ryn walked up to Jorda, who was now standing in the middle of the stairs, and asked, "Where is the secret exit that Kast told me about? He said we could use it, and that it would bring us to the surface a few buildings down."

Jorda nodded as he ran down that stairs and circled them as he took the keys from Ryn. He grabbed an iron rusted key as his hands flew over the white tinted glass walls. He pressed his fingers in different places until a keyhole revealed itself. Using the key in hand, Jorda unlocked the door. With all the prisoners behind him, Ryn watched the door slide to the left revealing a small tunnel lit by blue, pure lights.

"Come on," Ryn said to the prisoners as he motioned them forward into the tunnel.

When everyone was in, Jorda stopped Ryn from entering when he put his hand on Ryn's shoulder. "I have to warn you," Jorda said seriously. "There are few guards on the other side, but it's nothing you can't handle. They are the weakest soldiers of our regiment so it shouldn't be a hard fight. Please don't kill them though. One of them in my friend and I don't want to see him dead."

The Destined Protector (The Chronicles of Mistar - Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon