Epilogue · · · Ralli

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Governor's House, Mayno, Gazar

I sat alone with Janna to my back, her hair touching mine. Since my hair was short, her long hair that skimmed the back of my neck tickled me and made a shiver flow down my spine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't wait for what was going to happen.

When my pala wouldn't let me come with Monta, I was furious so I followed him here the day after he left Gazar. It made me scream when I learned that he had left our home planet without me, so I marched to the Payfil's front door and asked for a vision from May. It was a horrible vision and didn't give any insight into what was going to happen to my brother. He was going on a dangerous mission and I didn't want my only brother to die.

Janna learned of my misfortunes with her mother May, so she took me to her room, the top floor of their new modern house. So here I was, my back against the little twelve birth old and me at fifteen. I wanted to smile at the weirdness that was going on, but I couldn't. Janna told me she could help me, but personally, I had no idea what was going on.

"Ralli," Janna whispered. "Are your eyes closed?"

I nodded, my head scraping against Janna's.

"Okay good. Now just relax. It will only work if you listen to me," Janna commanded. She probably got it from her complacent father.

It felt weird to take orders from someone younger than me, but I complied and did as I was told. I took deep breaths and soon my whole body was tingling. No, I was vibrating and Janna was moaning as if in pain.

I wanted to yell at her to stop, but I couldn't. When I tried to speak, my mouth just moved up and down. I wanted to cry. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to say something. To say anything at all.

My mind screamed, and over its many terrible voices I heard Janna say soothingly, "Tell me the name of the one you want to know."

"I can't," I mouthed.

Janna chuckled and it made me furious. "Just think of his name, and it will come out of your mouth."

I closed my eyes harder and, over the voices swirling like a whirlwind in my head, I was able to picture him. Monta stood there in all his glory, somewhat of a figure of my imagination. I pictured his dark red hair, the color of blood, and his charming smile with his cocked eyebrows. His tan skin stood out, but not as much as his blue eyes that I envied.

"Monta," I whispered.

Janna laughed again. "I see him."

All of a sudden she pulled away. A breath escaped my lungs as if I couldn't breathe. I fell off the little stool I had been sitting on and on to the carpet. I coughed and I spat up blood.

"What the heck!" I screamed wiping the red liquid from my lips.

"I helped you didn't I?" Janna said as I watched her walk over to the desk in corner of her room.

Janna closed her eyes and smiled as she took a pencil and paper from her desk. With her eyes still closed, she starting drawing on the paper. Is was an intricate drawing. Her hand was all over the paper so I couldn't tell what she was trying to draw.

When I started to get up, I got light headed and almost fainted. I then crawled on the ground trying to reach her.

Bursting through the door was May and Dirken, finally healthy enough to walk.

"What's wrong?" May cried as she ran to me.

Her soft arms brushed over my skin almost making me smile. I wanted my mother, but May would have to do.

Cass was on their heels, and little brat pushed past her mala and stormed over to her sister. Just as Janna finished, Cass took the paper out from under her and held it up for all to see. To my surprise, it looked like Monta. His facial features and everything. I almost cried when I saw what I thought looked like blood coming out of the scars in his face. I almost cried when the picture made him look dead.

Dirken took the paper from Cass and answered May in a hushed tone, "I think she's like you, May. I think her family gift is to read the future."

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