Eight · · · Ophryn

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Aca Forests, Casta, Pezda

OPHRYN WAS GOING OUT OF HIS MIND WHEN HE COULDN'T FIND MELL. She was gone. The precious princess he was trying to protect was gone. He wandered around in circles for her, mystified at what happened, but then he heard sobs.

There she was in all her glory.

Mell sat on her knees, sobbing into her palms as she cried out, "Stop saying that!"

"Princess!" Ophryn yelled as quietly as he could. He ran over to her, jumping over logs and flowers in the process.

Mell only sat there shaking and crying. Ophryn could tell that she couldn't hear him. She was having some sort of night terror.

He took Mell by her shoulders and shook her gently. "Mell," he said. "Wake up. Everything is alright."

When she wouldn't open them, she blurted in her sleep, "I already have!"

Ophryn jumped by her outburst and took her in his arms. He shook her a little harder and a scream erupted from her mouth. So they wouldn't draw attention, Ophryn put his hand over her mouth and the scream became muffled.

Mell's eyes were still closed and she was starting to freak Ophryn out. He wanted her to wake up so he would ask her what was wrong, but she wouldn't open her eyes. Her breathing became heavy when her scream stopped.

Ophryn slowly pulled his hand away ready for another scream to make him jump. It didn't happen though. She laid there quietly in his arms, though he was pretty sure he heard her whisper his name.

He waved it off and instead of shaking her arms he whispered in her ear, "Wake up, Mell."

Slowly, but surely, her eyes opened and a shiver ran through Mell's spine. Something in her eyes looked different, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Was it terror? Surprise? He didn't want know. Did he really, though?

"Ryn," she whispered. Her voice sounded scratchy as if she had been yelling constantly.

"Yes?" he said trying to sound polite.

"What happened?"

Ryn thought for a second before he answered, "I don't know. I'm literally dumbfounded." He cleared his throat before he said, "When I woke up, you were gone. I had to search for you and if I'm being honest, I was scared for you. Part of me thought you either died, gotten kidnapped, or eaten by the wolfas. When I saw you, relief flushed over me and I was okay again."

Ryn didn't know why he just said. He spilled his guts, his every thought and feeling of that moment to a girl he never meant before, and Mell could see his despair. He felt nervous when she looked straight into his eyes. All the terror or surprise, whatever it was, left her eyes and all he could see was her dark brown skin circling her dark stormy gray eyes. They looked beautiful but almost odd as if they didn't fit her face. Maybe that's why he was attracted to her.

Mell smiled softly at him and gently pushed herself out of his arms so she would sit next to him. Then she kissed him on his cheek before she said, "That's so sweet of you, Ryn. If you hadn't found me, who knows what would have happened."

The terror returned to her eyes for a split second and then it disappeared. 

Somehow, Ryn wasn't surprised by the kiss. Her lips felt warm against his cheek and felt like it was normal. Like Mell and himself had been friends for years, even though they met a few days ago, and her kissing him on the cheek felt weird if she didn't do it.

"I have a question," he blurted.

Mell smiled at him again and said, "Shoot."

"Why were you screaming. I mean, in your sleep." Ryn knitted his eyebrows together not sure if that was a question he should have asked her.

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