Thirteen · · · Monta (.3)

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The Payfil's house was at the edge Mayno on the North side of the city. It sat on a hill made of what looked like white stone. It was definitely not made of constant metal like most buildings on Gazar were made of. The fence and gate around the mansion were made of constant metal though. Guards dressed in black uniforms that the army usually wore, stood in their ordered positions outside and inside the fence. Everywhere Monta looked he saw the Payfil's professional security. It probably went up after they heard about the attacks on Dirken.

Chanta didn't seem at all bothered by these strange muscular men as Monta walked up the long paved driveway linked to Tapalla's arm. He even walked up to one, shook his hand, and greeted the guard with, "Loye! Morning, Jastka."

Jastka nodded his head with a smile on his face. "Morning to you too, Chants. Coming to see your sister, or to check up on Dirken?"

Chanta moved forward with Jastka next to him. The guard was a lot bigger than Chanta. Even taller than Monta, and it kinda scared him.

Monta watched Chants shrug his shoulders and Jastka signaled the guards on the side of the fence to open the gate. With a click of a lock, the gate opened and Monta moved through it following Chanta and Jastka up to the house.

"Both?" Chanta suggested.

The guard pursed his lips but then smiled at his friend. "I know the real reason, Chants. You know you can't hide things from me." Jastka looked back at Tapalla and said, "Her. The one with the winter mask. I haven't seen anyone that I know personally wear one in births, so I knew it must have been her. She is also with the hero." Jaska looked to Monta. "You saved our governor from death and I knew you wouldn't do it without your sidekick."

Monta knew he was talking about Tapalla when he said the word sidekick. He wanted to yell at Jastka that what he said wasn't true and when he looked to Tapalla he could tell she wanted to do the same thing. But the truth was, Jastka was right. Monta and Tapalla did almost everything together.

Large white stone steps made up the porch and they circled the front door creating what Monta thought looked like a one color rainbow. The front door was baby blue, the color of the sky on a clear day with bright orange windows as if they were rays from the sun. Jastka didn't bother to knock as he opened the door and passed by the two small gaz pines covered and laced in mothball flowers.

Monta never liked the name that was given to his favorite flower. Mothball. It was a horrible name and it reminded him of his favorite sport which he didn't want to reminded of when he looked at the dark blue flower. The mothball flower was only named that because elckons were attracted to the flower's whistle that it made when it blew in the wind.

Without giving a second thought, Monta followed Tapalla and the others through the door. Inside, Monta almost gasped. From what Monta could see, the living room, kitchen, and the grand staircase to his left was pure white. The opposite side of the living was a glass wall so Monta was able to see what looked a miniature mothball rink covered in small ice pillars and frosted grass to make the field slippery. In between the ice pillars, Monta was sure he saw two small people running through the arena.

His suspicions were confirmed when Jastka brought their small group across the large area and into the living room. Jastka then opened what looked like an invisible door and called, "Cassadant! Jannakin!"

Monta had almost forgotten that Dirken had kids of his own. Daughters to be precise. For some reason, Monta actually felt excited to meet them. Hopefully, they weren't like their father and that they were more like their mother.

Jastka motioned for their group to sit in the many pieces of furniture as he said, "The girls will be in, in just a minute. Why you wait for them, I will go fetch Mrs. Payfil for you, if I can find her in this massive house. Imagine playing hide and seek in her here."

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