Nineteen · · · Tapalla

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Governor's House, Mayno, Gazar

FROM ACROSS THE ROOM, TAPALLA COULD SEE MONTA FALL BACK ASLEEP. His eyes slowly closed as he laid in his little twin bed with just opened water bottle on the table next to him. Seeing the water bottle, Tapalla got up from her seat and to the little fridge that was hidden under one of the many tables. She grabbed out a piece of maron root and her own water bottle, but as she bit into the maron root it didn't taste normal. It tasted bad in her mouth, so she set it on the table and washed the flavor down with a gulp of water.

Tapalla looked back to Monta. He seemed peaceful, but Tapalla knew him too well. He wasn't peaceful. If anything he was screaming in his mind just wishing to speak correctly. Tapalla wished the same thing and said a quick prayer that when he woke up he would be able to say her name without leaving two of its syllables out.

Across the room, Janna and Cass were playing a game of go fish. Cass then screamed that she won, making Monta shift in his bed and Jana beg for another game.

"Please!" Janna cried throwing her cards in the air. "I'll definitely beat you next time."

Cass crossed her arms and smirked. "Only if you pick up all the cards that are now flying all across the room."

Janna pouted as she started to pick up the cards around her. "Fine, but you're not the boss of me, Cass."

"I know, but you still do what I tell you to do," Cass laughed.

As she crawled on the floor, Janna mimicked Cass as she stuck her tongue out and rolled her eyes at her older sister. Cass stuck her tongue at Janna too as she started to make her way across the room to Tapalla.

Cass plopped into the seat next to Tapalla and grabbed the already eaten maron root off the table. "Mmm," Cass hummed. "That's some good eating."

Tapalla only nodded her head not wanting to speak to the mean, rude sister out of the two.

"Do you think Monta will be able to speak correctly again?" Cass asked as she stared at Monta's sleeping form.

Tapalla then snapped her fingers, grabbing Cass's attention. She would rather talk to Cass than have the little girl stalk Monta and stare at him as slept. It was just too creepy.

Cass looked at Tapalla and glared. "What?" she muttered.

"Nothing," Tapalla said without trying to sound mean. "I think Monta will be fine. Just don't worry about him."

"Why not?" Cass asked, leaning back in her seat as she crossed her arms.

"I almost have them all!" Janna then called from under the tables on the other side of the room.

"Because," Tapalla started to say, "he doesn't really know you that well and has always been fine in situations like this."

Even though Cass looked innocent, Tapalla could really tell she wasn't when Cass's baby blue eyes looked into her own. Tapalla almost thought the blue would start aflame and Cass's eyes would melt into pools of gasoline still caught in a fire.

"That doesn't matter," Cass pouted. "I still want to be there for him."

Under her breath, Tapalla muttered, "Well, he doesn't want you to be there for him necessarily."

Cass then stood straight in her chair and hissed, "What did you say to me?"

Tapalla shook her head. "I didn't say a thing to you. I was only talking to you and maybe Monta if he could hear me. Oh, and also Janna because I think she would have thought of it as funny."

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