Ten · · · Mell (.3)

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Fear then almost made Mell vomit. She held her stomach as it threatened to make her puke. Ryn didn't know these woods so why did she let him go? She should have gone. She was Castan. Parading around in these searching for a baby wolfa would've felt normal like she used to do with her old pet, Kal.

Mell turned around, still holding her stomach. Her fingers traveled through Cossie's thick dark fur as she made her way to Cossie's neck. As they started walking again, Mell felt as weak Cossie.

Cossie looked back at Mell and said through her blue eyes, He'll be okay. I believe he'll find my babe.

Mell tried for a smile when she said, I... I know. It's just I worry for him. He's not Castan. He's a Pent. I don't think he'll make it back to me.

I think he will, Cossie replied. He will make it because he's not what you think he is. You saw his eyes. Their color. And the dark freckles that outlined his nose and the top of his cheeks. You can't tell me that he's only made of Pent blood.

Mell shook her head. How would that even be possible? He told me, his father is loyal to their ruthless king and he is the general of Pent's army. Ryn's mother couldn't possibly be Castan.

Cossie shook her head as a weird growling noise came from her mouth. It was probably the noise a wolfa made when they laughed. I never said it was his mother, she said.

His father? Mell asked.

No, Cossie laughed again. His lineage. Maybe his grandfather, grandmother, great grandfather, and so on. Castan traits could be passed down that way, not just from one of his parents being a Castan. Maybe that's why his father is so loyal to the Pent crown. Working for the crown in the price they have to pay for being the descendants of Pent and Castan blood.

Makes sense, Mell replied.

Your tired, Cossie said with a huff through her soft, wet nose.

Mell nodded. Yes, I am. The fear that I won't see Ryn makes me feel sick.

I'm sorry, Cossie said before she had to turn forward to step over a large broken branch from an aca tree. She looked back and Mell and continued, I would let you ride on my back so you could save your strength, but I don't even know if I have enough strength left to make it to the harbor.

"It's okay," Mell said aloud as another branch got in there way.

This one was bigger than the last so Mell wasn't able to just step over it this time. Mell watched Cossie easily step over the branch. If Cossie was up to her full strength she would have leaped over the branch with Mell on her back. Instead, on the other side, Cossie watched Mell push herself over the branch. Mell could feel Cossie's big, heavy tail wrap around her back and gently push her forward over the branch.

Cossie looked back at Mell as she said, Thank you.

Your welcome, was Cossie's response.

Mell's head snapped back when she thought she heard the snap of a twig. "Did you hear that?" she asked aloud.

When Mell looked back at Cossie for her answer, Cossie replied with, Yes, but it's probably just the little animals I eat for my meals or the tapees that scour in the woods looking for sunberries.

Mell shook her head. I don't think it's a tapees. Wouldn't you usually see their silver hide and horns?

Maybe, Cossie said as she shook her head from side to side. Tapees aren't always as visible as they seem. When the sun isn't reflecting on them, their fur can become as dark as mine and their antlers a dark white like bone.

Mell shrugged her shoulders as they started walking again. "Are you feeling better?"

No, Cossie replied which would have sounded blunt if she was able to speak aloud.

That's a shame, Mell said staring into the wolfa's eyes. I'm still feeling sick. Should Ryn be back with Ossian now?

No, Cossie said again, but they will return soon.

Like when? Mell asked pleading with her eyes.

Just as before, her stomach felt queasy. She grabbed Cossie's fur and squeezed it. When she pulled her hand away to wipe her brow she found leftover wolfa hair sticking to her sweaty hand.

I see the pain written all over your eyes, Cossie said smoothly.

Mell bowed her head. I know it's there, she retorted.

Well, stop it, Cossie complained. I'm wounded badly and I still think you're making me feel sicker than I actually am.

Sorry, Mell immediately said.

It's okay, Cossie soothes. Everyone is afraid of something and everyone has a different reaction to the fear. You're afraid of losing friends, family, people you trust and your reaction is guilt. Your guilty that you can't do anything to save those people you trust or love. A form of showing guilt is sickness. This is what I see written all over you and it reeks of despair.

I'm sorry, Mell says again.

In the distance, Mell could see the sun coming up. That meant it was time to sleep, but would Ryn want them to keep walking? Mell decided against it and stopped in her tracks. She sat down in a bed of grass and dirt under some large bushes. Cossie followed her lead and slowly but surely, even through her injury, she was able to lay down beside Mell.

The wolfa's fur was warm against Mell's leg and Cossie's presence gave her reassurance that Ryn would be okay and that Ryn and Ossian would make it back safely. Don't doubt the people you care most about, father's words rang across her head.

Her father was gone. Maybe dead. And so was her mother. Mell tried to focus on Ryn's face to make their pictures go away. So she wouldn't cry. At least she had a chance of seeing Ryn again so his fate didn't make her cry like her parent's.

Live in the now and not past regrets. Move on, was another quote of her father's. The reason she didn't cry over his death was that if he was here with her he would tell her to get a grip and stop crying.

Mell sucked up her tears and laid her head against Cossie's thick thigh. "I think I will go to sleep, Cossie. Wake me please, when Ryn and Ossian return."

Cossie's body hummed underneath Mell's head in response while Mell slowly closed her eyes. She tried hard not to imagine Ryn or her parents, but it was difficult not to. She wanted to picture Ryn standing next to her, okay and alive.

Instead, Mell pictured her younger sister, Ola. With all the events that had happened Mell had almost forgotten about her baby sister. While Mell had gone with her parents to the safe house, Ola had stayed behind with the nanny and servants to be taken care of.

When Ola was born, the king and queen didn't want anyone to know about her for reasons that Mell didn't understand. One reason she did understand, though. It was for Ola's safety from the spying eyes of the Pent.

With Ola in her thoughts, Mell drifted off to sleep.

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