Five · · · Monta

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The Deadwood, Gazar

MONTA WOKE UP TO THE SOUND OF A GUNSHOT. He saw Tapalla standing at the door looking out its window. He watched her hand go to the lock and the door clicked. The door was now locked.

Role, Tapalla's father, came into the room with his wife, Meela, behind him and asked, "Taps, what is it?"

"Men," her voice sounded shaky as she backed away from the door. "Men with black skin, like the night sky after the sun sets. They are holding big guns. They're coming for me."

Quickly, Role stepped out of his wife's grasp and ran to the closet. His hand landed on a rifle. Monta could tell it was his by his carved initials, M.R., on the bottom of the gun. His dad's gun was the other rifle.

Monta also ran over to the closet. He grabbed out his father's rifle and the pistol. He loaded both of the guns and packed his bag that sat on the kitchen table. Swinging his bag over his shoulder he handed the pistol over to Tapalla.

"Quick lesson," he said. "First thing you want to do is to check to see if the magazine is loaded, but I just loaded it so you should be fine. Next, make sure the safety is off or you be able to fire the gun. Got it?" Monta didn't wait for her answer. "Third, the metal piece at the back of the gun is the hammer. Pull it back until you hear a click. Then aim and shoot. You only have three bullets. Here's a bag of ammo if you run out and a clip."

Tapalla clipped the bag to one of her belt loops that looked almost invisible on her elckon skirt. The gun was shaking in her hands.

Monta bumped her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'll cover you. You don't have to shoot the gun if you don't want to. Make sure your hand isn't resting on the trigger. You don't want to accidentally shoot it."

Tapalla gave Monta a fake smile. Using his free hand, he put it over Tapalla's hand that rested on the pistol. She let go of the gun and gripped Monta's hand. Her palms clammy and sweaty with fear. When Monta looked at her face it had turned yellow with fright.

"You got this. It will be alright," Monta whispered encouragingly in Tapalla's ear.

Tapalla answered with gripping Monta's hand even tighter.

Role stepped forward and looked out the window on the door.

"I want you and Tapalla to get in the back room," Role addressed Monta. "Meela watch the door for me. I'm going to go out there and try to reason with them."

Meela ran to her husband pulled on his arm, falling to her knees. "No! Please don't go out there! You don't know what they're like!"

Monta was confused by the sound of Meela's voice. She sounded as if she knew these people that were their supposed safe house.

"Please," she begged again, "don't leave your daughter. Surrender. You could die."

Role only smiled at his wife. "This is why she has you." Role looked up towards Tapalla.

Monta could see the tears forming in her eyes. She pulled out of Monta's grasp and ran to her father.

"I love you," she mumbled through his shirt.

Tapalla's tears sparkled and so did Meela's. Role was not crying. He was trying to a king and tuff for his family.

"Monta will protect, Taps," he looked at her with a questioning gaze, waiting for her answer.

"I know, pala." Tapalla hugged her father one last time and returned to Monta's side. She put her hand back into Monta's and squeezed it.

With a pout on her lip, Meela unlocked and opened the front door to the cabin and Role slipped outside. She quickly shut the door behind him and Monta's stomach quenched from her sobs and squeals. Tapalla was still crying, but not as bad at her mom. Monta could hear her choking from trying not to cry and he could see tears falling from her eyes.

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