Sixteen · · · Ophryn (.4)

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With his good arm, Ryn tapped Mell's shoulder and asked, "Is Day coming with us or is she going with the Castans."

"We talked about it, and she said she would rather look for Mar," Mell answered. "When she found her, she said she would come searching for us."

"First, how will she know where we are going? Second," Ryn paused to clear his throat, "who is Mar?"

"Mar and Day were both servants ack when I wasn't running for my life," Mell answered Ryn, "and I'll contact her."

"But how will you do that?" Ryn asked questioning Mell.

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out." When Ryn looked at Mell, she seemed confident in her answer.

Ryn looked to all the Castan servants wondering if they were all dressed. Many had already started to pile in the cart while the man, who was told information by Kast, had slid into the seat next to Day. When the cart was full, the remaining Castans lingered around looking anxious.

"Ready?" Kast asked Day.

She looked behind her smiled. "I think so." Day then turned to Mell and said, "I'll miss you, Princess." She saluted Mell in goodbye and turned around as she whipped the reins. With a jolt, the wagon took off into the crowded street. Part of Ryn hoped to never see them again.

Just as Kast, Mell, and Ryn were about to disappear into the crowded street as well, Ryn sunk to his knees when voice took over his thoughts. Right away, he recognized it. It was Ossian's voice. The little wolfa's voice. Ryn had almost forgotten about the little guy. Now he felt bad for leaving him alone in the woods all day.

As quickly as he fell, Mell ran to his side. "What is it?" she asked, her voice sounding desperate. "Is it your shoulder?"

Ryn shook his head and said through gritted teeth, "Ossian."

Mell gasped. "How can that be? Your not looking through his eyes!"

Ryn shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. All of a sudden I heard his little voice in my head. Maybe it's a father thing."

Kast crossed his arms and asked, "Who's Ossian and when did you become a father, Ryn?"

Mell answered for Ryn by saying, "It's a wolfa. We'll tell you more on the way to Panchester Harbor."

"Good," Kast replied, "because I don't like being left in the dust."

Where are you? Ossian asked in Ryn's head, his voice sounding scared. When will you come back?

Ryn took a shaky breath. He wanted to answer Ossian, but he didn't know how.

"It's okay, Ryn," Mell soothed. "Just relax and focus on your voice traveling to his mind."

Ryn closed his eyes and said to Ossian, Can you hear me?

He waited a few seconds, but all he heard from Ossian was, Puna! Papa! Where are you?

Ryn wanted to scream in frustration.

"It's not working," he growled to Mell.

"Just try again," she soothed.

Kast rolled his eyes only a few feet in front of Ryn wasn't helping, but he tried to block him out the best he could.

Can you hear me again? Ryn asked Ossian though his thoughts.

Ryn smiled when he heard Ossian's happy voice. I hear you! I hear you!

Ryn almost passed out at how loud Ossian's voice had become.

I'll come get you, Ossian. I'm almost there. All you have to do is just wait a little longer. Now quiet, Ryn replied. Instantly, the connection dropped and Ryn felt like he was able to breathe again.

"Is his voice gone?" Mell asked as she helped Ryn up.

Ryn nodded as he said, "Yup. Thankfully. I think I'm going to get a headache."

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