Sixteen · · · Ophryn

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Harbor of Thonits, Pent, Pezda

"SO, HOW DO WE START THIS?" MELL ASKED. She leaned over the desk that sat in the middle of Kast's room up in one of the buildings a few blocks away from small prison. His room was homey and away from the guards, secluded at the end of the inn's floor. It made it perfect for planning a betrayal to his own friends.

A small twin bed sat in the corner, its covers unmade. A laundry basket full of dirty, bloody clothes sat next to it with a closet on the other side of the room. The main piece of the room was the aca carved dresser in the middle of the room. Papers and pink pens etched with small carvings sat on the top. When they had first entered, Day had asked what they were for. Kast had blushed, shoving the papers in one of the desk drawers. He never gave Day an answer.

"Not we," Kast stated from the closet. He was leaning against the door like Ryn remembered he used to do. Personally, Ryn hated Kast. The boy was arrogant, rude, a flirt but also a ladies man. They used to train together when they were learning how to fight. Their trainers knew they didn't get along so they always got paired up. Over time they learned each other's weaknesses and strengths and started to get along, or they acted like it. Behind closed doors, they were at each other's throat.

"Ryn and I," Kast finished. "Day's too tired," he said motioning to the sleeping girl on the bed, "and I don't want to risk you getting caught."

Mell frowned and crossed her arms. "So? I want to help, Kast. Can't you let me help? I need to do this for my people."

Ryn pushed himself off the back wall as he stepped forward. "I'm sorry, Princess. I can't let you go. Kast is right. It's too dangerous for you."

From across the room, Kast snickered. "You actually agree with me, Rynny. That's a surprise."

"Well don't expect it to happen often," Ryn retorted, "and don't call me Rynny."

Kast rolled his eyes. "Sorry, man, but I had to. Remember when I used to call you that all the time?"

Ryn ignored Kast. He knew that Kast was just trying to get under his skin. It wouldn't work though. It never worked on Ryn. He also considered himself more mature than Kast. Part of Ryn didn't know if that was true or not. After all, he was angry at Kast for nothing really.

Mell eyed the both of them, though her eyes seemed more attracted to Kast. Ryn watched her blush when Kast winked at her. Ryn was right. Kast was flirt, one that even attracted the hearts of his enemies.

"How do you two know each other?" Mell asked.

"Training," Ryn said bluntly not bothering to give Kast any recognition.

Kast nodded along with him and spoke anyway, "Yup. Training to fight. I trained to be a guard in the army while Ryn here was training to be general. The next great one like his father before him. Isn't that right, Ryn?"

Ryn's nostrils flared. This is why he hated Kast. The boy was a teaser. He liked to make people mad, to get under their skin just like he was getting under Ryn's. This is what made Ryn angry at Kast. Ryn's hand balled into a fist, ready to hit Kast across the face if it came to it.

"Shut up," Ryn muttered. "We have more important things to talk about like the break-in and escape."

Kast threw his hands up in the air as if he was surrendering. "Sorry. Just trying to keep the air light."

Ryn rolled his eyes at Kast. "Well, you're not doing a very great job."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was never good at it in the first place," Kast laughed.

Ryn hit his fist against the well, a rumbling roar erupting from the bottom of his throat. "I said, shut up!"

As quickly as she could, Mell sprang up from the desk and put her hands on Ryn's chest to stop him. She smiled at him and spoke with her eyes when he looked down at her. They said peace and calm. Ryn could do that, he just had to breathe. Relax and breathe.

"It's okay, Ryn. Just relax. Don't let him bother you," Mell said so only he could hear her. She then glanced back at Kast, glowering. "Can you stop irritating him please, or you will get punched in the face."

Kast backed away. "Again, I'll say sorry." He then rubbed his hands together as he said, "So, let's get this planning started."

"The break," Mell stated, turning around to face Kast. "That can be our in...."

"....and our out," Ryn finished.

Kast laughed. "That was cute how you guys finished each other's sentence. Ahhh," he sighed, chuckling to himself. "But yes, that is a good idea. What time of day though, and what day? Tomorrow morning? Tonight?"

"I think tonight," Mell as she rubbed her forehead thinking hard. "When is the next time the guards are on break?"

"Tonight at exactly midnight, though it's technically not a break. It's more like a changing of the guard and guess what? I'm on duty, so I think it will be the perfect time."

"Will you stay here after the escape?" Ryn asked as he crossed his arms.

"I think so. It makes the most sense. I can cover for you guys as you escape from this place, but what about the prisoners? You can't bring them all with you?"

"Can they take a ship?" Mell asked looking at Kast.

The boy shook his head. "Not a good idea. If more than one ship is taken things will start to look suspicious."

Mell shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know then. Ryn? Do you have any ideas?"

Ryn thought for a moment before he said, "Zumo flyers. They can use those to get out the harbor's gate."

Kast shook his head again. "I don't think so. I thought of that too, but I don't think it will work. How will they get past the guards at the gate?"

"They run?" Mell suggested, getting a laugh out of Kast.

Out of the corner of Ryn's eye, he saw Day shift in Kast's bed. She looked so peaceful. Ryn wished he could be her, sleeping without a worry in the world and smile across his face from lovely dreams. Ryn couldn't remember the last time he didn't have a nightmare.

"How about we dress them as civilians?" Ryn asked. "There are Castan's living at the harbor, so it wouldn't be strange if a few left for a food shipment to another one of Pent's harbors."

Kast nodded his head and smiled. "Not a bad idea, Ryn. It just might work."

Ryn smiled at Kast's words. Kast didn't call him Rynny.

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