Eleven · · · Tapalla (.3)

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The smile on Monta's face did brighten up though when he saw Patonya and Tapor. After he gave them hugs his dad, Tapor, walked over to Tapalla and gave her a hug too.

"I saw you walk in here without your parents, so I think I'll assume the worst," Tapor said in his gentlest voice.

"Yes, please," Tapalla replied tearing away from Monta's dad. "It's better if you do, and if you can break the news to everyone while I'm not in earshot. I don't want to cry again."

Tapor nodded at Tapalla without saying anything and turned back to his son. He took Monta by the face and asked, "What happened to you, my boy."

"Mognog," Tapalla heard him sigh. "They attacked in the tunnel under the cabin right after..." Monta gulped and turned to look at Tapalla.

Tapalla was sure her face had gone blue from the talk of her dead parents, so she bowed her head. Like usual, Monta was there to comfort her. Her hands gave warmth to back making her look up. He took one his glowing hands to her face to put her hair behind her ear. Chaka came from behind and set her hand on Tapalla's trying to give comfort, though it was never one of her strong suits.

"Can it be fixed?" Patonya asked moving forward to touch her son's face.

Monta pulled away from touch. Tapalla wouldn't like it if people wanted to touch her face too. Good thing though, Patonya didn't seem offended by her son's action.

"If it can be fixed, I don't want it to be," Monta said still keeping his hand warm on her back.

"Why not?" Ray said stepping in front of Monta to get a better look at his best friend's face.

"Go away, stupid," Monta joked taking Ray's face in his hand and pushing him gently away.

Ray grabbed Monta arm and soothed, "I just wanted to know why."

"Because it's apart of me now," Monta blurted looked at his mom. "It's like taking a baby out of its mother's life."

"Oh," Ray said sounding shameful.

Out of the back kitchen, came Chaka's parents. They both looked a lot like her. Handsome and beautiful.

Chaka's mala had the same hair as her mana's. It was dark red, long, and curly at the ends. Tapalla could also tell that was where Chaka got her tanned skin. Her mala's eyes were also a light pastel blue that matched her long silky dress.

Her pala, Chanta, had a long shaggy beard that ended around his upper chest. His hair was a light red, almost ginger, though his beard was a bit darker, and his eyes were dark but bright blue, like his mana's.

"We made food to pass around," Chaka's mala, Blonpa, stated before retreating back into the kitchen.

Tapalla, Monta, and the others shuffled into the kitchen which was an even tighter space than the front living room. The kitchen was a bright orange color bringing a smile to Tapalla's face and so did the small spiral staircase in the back of kitchen next to the small kitchen counter.

On the counter, there were plates of maron root, sun berries, both dried and natural, slabs of elckon meat, tapees steaks imported from Pezda, bowls of fried rice and chentie beans from Rol, and even a bowl of chautta candy shaped into little canes. Tapalla licked her lips from the smell of food. It reminded her how much she hasn't had after she ran away from the cabin.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Tapalla could see Monta lick his lips too.

Chanta stepped forward, Chaka's younger sister Twinkle who was only a baby in his arms, saying, "If you guys want you can grab a plate and go eat upstairs." He gestured to the spiral staircase. "Let's let our guests go first. Monta? Tapalla?"

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