Twenty-Three · · · Tapalla

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Journey to Ablatin/Crestlin, Tatin, Ablatin

WHEN TAPALLA LOOKED OUT THE SMALL WINDOW OF THE O.R. FLYER, she could see Ablatin come into view. Brown and green landmarks were encircled by dark blue waters that separated each country. A blanket of white clouds covered the land. They were so wispy they looked like curls of cream and made Tapalla smile.

Next to her, Ray and Chaka giggled. When Chaka finally looked out her own window, she hit Ray in the chest and squealed, "I see it! It's Ablatin!"

Ray rubbed his chest and said, "I know. I can see. I have eyes, ya know." Then he looked to Tapalla and mouthed, "Help me."

Tapalla only laughed and sat back in her seat.

Overhead, through the speakers, Tapalla could hear Jastka's voice as he announced, "Everybody, buckle in. We are starting to descend."

In an instant, Tapalla could feel the O.R. flyer starting to dive down. Chaka screamed in delight when she could feel it the drop as Tapalla sat still and quietly waiting for the flight to be over. Tapalla winced when she heard a high pitched scream from the cockpit. Instantly, she felt bad for Monta since she knew how he didn't do good with flyers, even a few zumo flyers which only traveled across the land, but then wanted to punch herself. She couldn't feel sorry for him. Tapalla reminded herself that she had to stay mad at Monta.

The whole O.R. flyer shook when they passed through into the atmosphere, letting out another squeal from Chaka since she had never been to another planet other than her own. That list also included Ray and Monta, but Ryn wasn't acting like a little girl who just got a new toy and Monta was only freaking out because he's scared of flying. Tapalla rolled her eyes as she watched a huge city made from constant metal come into view when they shot through the clouds.

Tapalla figured it was the city of Crestlin, the capital of the country Tatin. During their flight through the stars, Tapalla had asked one of Jastka's soldiers what country was going to help them on Ablatin. All the soldiers seemed to have forgotten, which made Tapalla mad, so she went to ask Jastka herself. When she had entered the cockpit, Tapalla had seen Monta's sleeping form, and it almost made her feelings return. As soon as she got the name of the country, Tapalla exited the cockpit and returned to her seat, her hands shaking.

Now, she sat in her seat, watching as their O.R. flyer circled Crestlin. She pointed out a castle with a glistening, constant metal silver roof. When the sun's rays bounced off if its surface, they blinded her, making Tapalla look away. She had never seen a roof so clean. The walls of the castle were made of light gray stone and it's windows tinted dark blue. A large silver constant metal fence encircled the castle, protecting it from any of its invading neighbor countries.

Tapalla jumped when the wheels of the flyer first touched the ground. She heard a yelp from the cockpit and laughed at Monta. When the O.R. finally stopped, Monta burst out of the cockpit heading toward the bathroom in the back of the flyer.

He pushed past Tapalla saying, "I could hold it in on the way up but the way down is, much, much worse."

"Uhuh," Tapalla hummed as she crossed her arms when Monta entered the bathroom.

Jastka the left the cockpit, his hands behind his back as he stood up straighter, commanding the attention of his five soldiers. The Commander cleared his throat before he said, "I made radio contact with Tatin as we landed. There are some very special guests outside this flyer waiting for you, Princess Tapalla Monae of Lotna."

Tapalla shook her head at him and asked, "Can you please not use that title?"

Jastka smiled devilishly at her as Monta finally exited the bathroom, wiping the sides of his mouth with a towel. He looked sickly but the longer he stood still, the more healthy he looked.

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