The Worst That We've Done

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Christian's POV

The women I employed at Grey House were, intentionally, all the same. I'd picked them strategically to keep things professional and maintain the focus on building my empire. They didn't have brown hair, they didn't have blue eyes and they were nothing like Ana. The dress code I enforced was strictly business attire. It helped to keep me grounded throughout the day until I could return to the paradise that Anastasia made our home. Of course, my wife's image still floated in my mind from out latest trip to the playroom. The image of her naked sprawled across the bed awaiting my touch was burnt into my mind. I felt my erection grow under the table.

No! My internal voice growled. You have meetings.

I glanced up at my clock and it was ten minutes before I would have to sit down with Taylor and Ryan to go over the security on the new Grey Publishings. I was making room for it at Grey House to keep an eye on my wife. Every employee needed a strict background check that SIP had obviously not put the time into. If they had, they would have found out about Jack Hyde's indiscretions years before he laid a hand on Ana.

Thinking about his filthy hands on her I penned a quick email just to check up on my truest love.


From: Christian Grey

Subject: Missing You

To: Anastasia Grey

Mrs. Grey

How are you feeling today? Would you be interested in doing lunch, say 1PM?

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, inc


I headed off to my meeting and was so engrossed in Ryan's explanation of the fingerprint scanners and bullet proof glass walls we would install that I didn't check my silenced phone until the end. There was a response email from Ana.


From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Hate to disappoint

To: Christian Grey

I'm actually going home. I don't feel well. I figured my boss's boss's boss wouldn't mind.

Stay at work. It's just morning sickness sneaking its way into the afternoon. This symptom really is poorly named.

See you tonight

I love you

Anastasia Grey

Editor, SIP


I rolled my eyes and began packing up my belongings to head back to Escala. Sawyer should have called me when Ana decided to leave. The last time he kept me out of the loop with Anastasia I nearly lost both her and our child. Her morning sickness had been frustrating the last week but my mother insisted that it was mild compared to what some women suffered.

Walking out of my office I stopped by Andrea's desk. "Reschedule my afternoon appointments." It was a phrase she heard a lot lately.

"Of course Mr Grey." She answered, her eyes beaming up at me with anticipation of an easy work day. "Would you like me to do anything else?"

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