Her Savior In Leather

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Christian's POV

Operating Grey Enterprise Holdings wasn't exactly what held my interest that dreary February afternoon. I was expecting a visitor. I had collected what he had asked of me and, in exchange, he would bring me what I desired. Years before we had met under odd circumstances and I never would have considered him a friend. Still, he had become of some use to me over the years and his business was one I depended on to keep my life from falling apart.

"Mr Grey?" Andrea spoke through the speaker of my phone and I lifted it to my ear.

"What, Andrea?"

"There is a Doctor Bowman here to see you." She sounded perplexed by the man's recent string of visits. "He says that you were expecting him."

A stark white haired man with a face far to young to match, entered my office. He wore a long leather coat with many useless buckles and zippers. The boots on his feet clomped loudly on the marble floors and he plopped himself into the seat across from me. For a man who'd only ever visited this office twice, he sure made himself at home.

"Hello, Dr Bowman."

Bowman strummed his fingers towards me. "Hey there, Handsome."

I handed the man across from me the small vile of blood and baggie of fair follicles I'd collected from my obedient submissive. He looked at it all, wide eyed, then shrugged before putting it inside his own jacket pocket. "I don't know how you do it, Mr Sexy. But the fact that you do makes my job a lot easier."

"I have my ways." I pulled the stack of cash out of my desk drawer and slid it across to the man. "Fifty thousand. It's all there."

"This is the easiest money I've made all day." Dr Bowman smiled and, in turn, slid across another container of pills. "They're ones we used last time but a different manufacturer. Changing things up makes it a lot harder for my operations to be traced. Security is a very important part of business, wouldn't you agree?"

"Indeed." I felt sick to my stomach dealing with the man across from me. A man like him had taken the crack whore's life, but seemed like the only way to save Emilia's. "So when will I get the test results?"

The man pursed his lips and seemed to consider it for a moment. "Just like last time, I'll call you if it's of significance but I don't expect it to be."

"So if it's not? Of significance, I mean."

"Then I'm not going to waste your time or mine to call and gab about it, Big Man. Your type of business isn't what I normally do. I haven't been a healer in a very long time. You might want to find someone with more resources than myself. If you're going to keep this up." The man stood up to leave, not exactly the type for conversation. "But if you do need me again, you know where to call."

I stood up and offered my hand. "Thank you, Dr Bowman."

"Oh please, you delicious doll. We're much more familiar than that." The man shook with two of his own. "Call me Demetri."

My nostrils flared with anger that I'd been forced to stoop so low. "Thank you, Demetri."

"By the way," A sneaky smile spread across his mischievous face. "What would happen if I found what you're looking for? I mean, something significant."

Resolve crossed my face and, though I hated being of the same rank as the monster before me, I knew he wouldn't report another sadist. That was a sure way to get kicked out of every BDSM club in North America. "I'll do exactly what I warned the little brat I would."

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