Goodbye, Little Love

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"The convenient thing about being a magical woman is that I can be gone as quickly as I came. And when you're a whole person for the first time, the movie is over. Manic pixie dream girl doesn't go on. You don't need her anymore. Manic pixie dream girl is too dream girl, and you just woke up." - Olivia Gatwood

Christian's POV

That night, though I fought tooth and nail to resist, I dreamed of Emilia.

Memories circled around me and I found myself thinking of the last time her lips touched mine. It was raining. The weekend had been dull, I was too distracted by my grief for the crimes she had no way of knowing I'd committed, and I wondered if I'd finally done it. Perhaps I'd finally found a way to trap the wild woman that would have come willingly if I had only cared enough about her being to ask.

If I would have known it was over and how long a lifetime could be I would have found some way to make that single kiss enough to last an eternity without that angel's sweet touch. She was going to heaven while I was certainly damned to hell.

"I guess, enjoy your day at work." I grumbled to myself after pulling away, not knowing how much that final kiss would mean to me. "I'll need you on Wednesday for a scene but you can go home afterwards if you'd like."

Em nodded her head, seemingly in a different world that my own, and I gave her chilled hand one last squeeze. "Okay. Goodbye, Mr Grey." She nearly whispered and pulled on the door handle of the vehicle.

"No no, I'll see you Wednesday." I gave her my best smile in the depressed state I'd earned my place within.

"Sure." Miss Stewart let a short breath out out her nose. "See you later, then."

I left her standing on the curbside and watched the way her tuft of angel locks shrunk until they disappeared behind me. In the moment, I wondered why she hadn't just gone inside to avoid the downpour. If I'd known that she was watching her worst mistake drive off into the distance I suppose I could have appreciated her finality.

After a long day at GEH and battling traffic in plopped down down at my desk chair. Only seconds passed and I found the name of a man on my caller ID screen that I was sure would only call with the best news I could have possibly received.

"Hello, Dr Bowman." I tried to hide my excitement. This was it. Emilia was mine.

The man's voice was grave. "Mr Grey, Demetri please, and I have some bad news. I gave her several tests over the last week and they've all been negative for pregnancy. However, I can't say the same about heroin. It looks like a recent relapse. There's no safe way to keep trying these fertility treatments. I'm sorry."

My stomach dropped into my feet and I fought the urge to quit breathing all together. "So what now? I put her in rehab and we try again after she's clean?"

"It's not quite that simple." Demetri, a usually sadistic fucker, sounded agonized delivering the news. I wondered for a moment if he too knew the pain of having his toys taken away from him.

I shook my head at the ridiculousness I was hearing. "Clearly, money isn't an object. I just want her better."

Dr Bowman sighed. "I know. I understand, but Marcus sent her to a rehab facility when she got into work this morning. She's already checked in. It's a nice place, so I'm told. They have massages and tennis and acupuncture. Really, it's the best of the best and he's covered the full costs to keep her there for at least six months."

"Where is it?" I demanded, resisting the urge to call a plane, take my entire security staff and go get her out. "If I was to want to visit her."

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