The Storm - Part 1

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Christian's POV

Taylor pulled out of the parking garage just as the sun sat overhead. The traffic was light with the only complications being pedestrian professionals flouncing around their trendy neighborhoods looking for a bite to bring back to their desk. Once we were on I5 it was smooth sailing. Anastasia was quietly reading a manuscript and the only sign of her illness, other than the loss of weight, was the needle still taped into her hand. The nurse had informed me it was better to keep it in than have to replace it in the event we needed it again soon. She had said that it's hard to find veins when people get as dehydrated as Ana was an I vowed not to let it happen again.

Just as we pulled into the driveway of my parents house Anastasia began to stir. She threw down the manuscript, yanked open the door of the still moving SUV and vomited onto the driveway as it passed beneath us. I reached over and held back her hair.

My mom, who had been waiting to greet us on the porch, dashed over to help and Taylor handed Ana his handkerchief.

"Dammit!" I grumbled and my mom gave me a stern look.

You should be more careful with your playthings, Mr Grey. We're not made of stone.

"When did she last eat?" Grace inquired as Ana drive heaved violently

I did quick math in my head. "Nearly four hours ago. She seemed to be doing well after the overnight drip."

Grace nodded and helped Ana out of the car as I got out to meet them. "Well if you ate that long ago you probably kept most of it in you." She rubbed Ana's arm.

Anastasia flushed with embarrassment and I helped her up the front steps and into the sitting room. My mom had laid out Mia's shortbread cookies on a platter and freshly brewed cups of English breakfast tea. Ana quickly reached for a small plate and piled a few onto it before beginning to munch.

Thank God. I groaned internally. Perhaps it's time to go back to church.

No just God will ever forgive what you've done to me. And no sane man would forgive what you've done to Ana.

My mother was visibly shaken by Ana's appearance but I was sure my wife was too focused on her snack to notice. I waved off her looks of concern and instead silently directed her to watch Ana eat.

"Well it seems you're feeling at least a little better." Grace smiled and Ana smiled back without teeth while she chewed. "Any cravings?"

My eyes darted around the room. "Mother!"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Mia isn't home yet. It's just the three of us and Gretchen in the laundry room. Mia is at the farmers market buying food for dinner. When she heard Ana wasn't feeling well she decided to make her chicken soup and fresh bread."

My mouth watered. "That will be a real treat." I'd been living off of Ana's rejected snacks to be able to stay close to her and it would be good to eat something that wasn't so quick. "Mother, if you don't mind, could Ana and I accompany you to church on Sunday?"

Grace looked bewildered for a moment. "Well of course dear, all are welcome." I knew she was intentionally not making a big deal of it and I appreciated it.

"Pending however Ana feels, I mean." I added.
She smiled into her tea cup as she sipped. "Yes, that's a given. Ana getting better is top priority."

Seven! I mentally cheered when Anastasia popped the last piece of cookie into her mouth. Seven whole cookies! They were small, as was this victory, but I felt a change in myself. In business the only acquisitions worth making were large and valuable.

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