So Long Since Shes Been Home

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I pulled up outside Bowman's Historic Theatre in my Audi R8 and waited for Em Stewart to get off work and join me in the car. Picking up a submissive felt strange but there had to be a first time for everything and at only twenty-five I knew I had decades of submissive experiences ahead of me. I had sent Em a text with simple directions to get directly into the car, not touch me and not make eye contact unless I directed her to.

A small figure with wild blonde hair and nearly intimidating curves waltzed out of the theatre office, locking it behind her and carried a black leather backpack to my car. I pressed the unlock button only seconds before she opened the door, sat down with the bag between her feet and stared at her lap. I took off back towards Escala and soon felt oddly at ease with the silent woman. When I pulled into the parking garage I had to consider very carefully what to do next. I had signed the contract, it was waiting upstairs, and she seemed ready to accept commands.

"Put on your wig, exit the car with your bag and follow me to the elevator." I got out of the car and soon she was by my side in a simple brunette wig. It was convincing enough for a trial run and I led her upstairs in near silence. She had followed my directions instantaneously without so much as responding with the typical yes sir. Getting her to talk at all would be a challenge.

The elevator doors pinged open and she followed me out at least five strides behind. Perhaps a direct question would ease a few words out of her. "Em, would you like a drink?"

She shook her head feebly and spoke with a tremble in her voice. "No thank you, sir." Em's eyes were cast towards the ground and I still hadn't gotten an glimpse of their exact shade of blue.

"Do you want some water at least?" I offered, feeling bad for the timid girl in front of me.

Em chewed the inside of her lip and I felt a tug in my pants. "Yes please, sir."

I chuckled and handed her a bottled water then poured myself a glass of white wine. "You're very polite. Did you take etiquette courses growing up or was it a family thing?"

She swallowed her first sip from the bottle. "It was neither, sir."

I pursed my lips with a bit of frustration and it seeped heavily into my voice. "Where did you learn, then?"

Embarrassed redness flowed into her cheeks. "I went to a strict private school so I developed the skill on my own, sir."

"Ah," I sat on a bar stool and tapped on the one next to me for her to join. "That sounds like self preservation to me."

We sipped in silence until I was finished and then I gestured for her to follow me upstairs. She held her top backpack strap in one hand and her water bottle in the other as I showed her around my submissive suite.

"You will sleep here friday, saturday and sunday nights and your bathroom is right through those doors." I took her bag and set it on the bed while she stood otherwise stationary. "Em, you're allowed to speak to me while we're getting to know each other. Do you like the room?"

Em nodded. "Yes, sir. It is very beautiful."

"Good," A familiar feeling rushed over me. This was Em's room now and I was invading her space. We'd only just met and she likely required privacy to change. "Come down to dinner in undergarments only. I ordered out for tonight but in the future you will cook for me."

Silence stretched between us.

"Understood, Em?"

"Yes, sir."

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