Cat & Mouse

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Christian's POV

Though I had time before my firstborn son would make his grand entrance, I was already getting to enjoy the spoils of fatherhood. Delilah was a child from a dream. One glimpse into her gray eyes, my grey eyes, left me mesmerized and I wondered if I was facing an angel or a demon. Could she be like just like her mother, purely good and nearly selfless? Or what she cursed to live like myself, mastering the shadows and dragging others in to keep me company?

My only comfort was her chuckle. The laugh that erupted straight from my daughter's belly when she was tickled was completely her mother's, along with that mop of blond hair, and parts of her seemed to be unique in their own right. The way she conducted herself, strong but gentle, was nothing that myself or Emilia could claim as our own. I was not capable of gentleness and Emilia had more weaknesses than she did strengths. Then Delilah's nose was peppered with freckles that I recognized from somewhere but couldn't quite put my finger on.

But Emilia certainly could.

Calm days of wondering, keeping the peace as everyone settled into a routine, nearly made me go mad. I had to wait for Ana to need a few ours away with Kate and Grace to execute my plan. If it had been my idea, she would have been too suspicious. My wife didn't belong in the dark world our home was becoming.

I slipped off my shoes by the front door, the least suspicious place, and padded up the stairs to Emilia's new, and old, bedroom. Opening the door quietly, as I knew full well that if our daughter took after us she wouldn't be a heavy sleeper, I slunk in and shut it silently. Delilah laid on top of the covers twisted in a throw blanket that had been draped over her shoulders. The way it roped around her neck gave me an uneasy feeling that could not be ignored. So, while I didn't quite have the time, I turned my attention to the little girl.

Pinching at the fabric and pulling on the fringe, it took a little bit of work to get her blankets straightened out. She let out of gentle groan between snores and smiled down upon her. The poor little dear had gone so long without a father to protect her and I wondered if I was up for what that job entailed. I could stand between her and anyone that wished to harm her but could I offer the same protection for her heart? Was it possible to stop my daughter from ever feeling sadness or fear? If so, then how?

I kissed the top of her head and made short work of rummaging through Emilia's bags until I found what I was looking for. For some illogical reason I was almost disappointed that it hadn't been hidden well or marked in any significant way. The folder before me held the secrets I had chosen not to spend my life searching for. But Miss Stewart had retrieved them for me all the same.

My heart thudded rapidly in my chest as I defended the staircase and debated whether or not to take this right to Taylor or find out more about it. But my lack of self control when I caught a glimpse of her ringlet curls in the great room took away my choices. Was she in charge, or was I?

"Do you care to tell me why you have this?" I let the limp folder of documents drop with a satisfactory slap onto the coffee table before where Emilia knelt.

She gave her head a small shake. "No sir, not really."

In any other context the wicked smile of a predator would have spread across my face at the enticing game my prey was starting to play but I was far from in the mood. "Are you sure you'd like to pass up the one chance I'm giving you of doing this the easy way? And please note that I did not say painless because I intend to beat you until you cant even imagine betraying me like this again no matter where this conversation goes from here. Now answer my fucking question!"

Her dark eye glossed over and stared past me, boring into the plaster wall to my back. "I don't think I can."

"You don't have a choice."

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