The Calm

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Ana's POV

    Sorry for what? I thought, unable to speak. He hates himself for making blip?
Christian helped me clean myself up, get dressed and walk downstairs. The pain in his eyes was clear. Watching me was killing him. He walked with less confidence and a perpetual frown had been plastered on his face.
"Did you mean it?" I squealed when he set me on the couch.
Confusion crossed his face. "Did I mean what?"
I fumbled with my own fingers. "Did you mean you regret making blip?"
He shook his head desperately. "No, I don't. I just regret that I made you sick."
"But that's the same thing." I argued even though I knew it wasn't. Christian kissed my forehead and left to get me some lunch. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat it.
After several failed attempts at coaxing me to take bites Christian stalked off to his study to call Dr Greene and alert her to my weight loss. I unlocked my phone for the first time that day and saw a series of notifications glaring back at me.

2 Missed Calls: Jose Rodriguez

Kate: Ana, please call me. I'm
coming over before work.

Elliot: Kate is freaking out. Do me
a favor and call her, please.

Kate: Anastasia make your door
man buzz me up. I'm serious.

Hannah: Should I send the
manuscripts in the mail, via
computer or do you have
someone to pick them up?

Missed Call: Raymond Steele

Kate: If I don't hear from you and
see you by tonight I am calling
the police.

    Ohh Kate, always one with a flare for the dramatic. I would have to respond to her threats first. Unless I wanted a SWAT team bursting through the windows of Escala's balcony. Christian's PR guy wouldn't have a clue what to do.

Ana: Don't have an aneurysm.
I've got a stomach bug and I
just need sleep. I miss you.

Kate: I miss you too. Feel better.
I'm worried.

    I sighed, the ever caring Katherine Kavanagh. How was I going to tell her I was pregnant? I banished the idea from my head knowing it was a problem for another day. Next was Hannah at SIP. I was in desperate need of something to occupy my mind other than my brooding husband, neurotic friends and buzzing phone.

Ana: I'll have Sawyer pick them up.
I'm sorry I haven't been in.

Hannah: No problem. I will have
them at the front desk for pick up.

    "Texting away over there?" Christian strode back into the room with a faint smile playing at his lips and sat down next to me. "So I called Dr Greene and she thinks most of the weight change is just you getting dehydrated. She'll send a nurse over to take some blood to test for vitamin deficiencies then start a basic saline drip. When your panels come back we'll know what your body is needing and we'll be able to get it for you."
I looked down at my hands were my IV had been in the hospital. The bruise was faded and yellow. Since that event I hated the idea of a needle in my body but not anymore than I hated the smell of the foods Christian had been trying to feed me. "Okay, I'll give it a shot." As if I have a choice.
"Great, then maybe we can try some more food tomorrow."
I laid in bed that night feeling like a pincushion with the amount of poking I'd experienced and the IV stand casting a shadow over our bed. Christian took off his shirt and slipped into his pajama pants then crawled in next to me.
"What time is the alarm set for?" I asked.
Christian wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close digging his face into my hair and inhaling deeply. "It's not and it won't be until you feel better." His erection pushed between my legs and I shimmed back against it.
If I can't go to work I may as well have some fun.
Mindful of my IV I turned over and dove into Christian's lips fiercely. I pushed my tongue between his lips and moaned deeply waiting for him to return my passion. My fingers wrapped into his hair and I pulled his face back when his lips remained limp and lifeless against mine.
"What?" I asked with hurt in my voice.
He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. "Not until you feel better."
"Why not?" I gaped even though I knew he couldn't see me.
"You know exactly why. For one, I don't want to accidently rip the IV out of your hand. I have no idea how to put it back in and its supposed to help you feel better." He caressed the taped back of my hand and snuggled the rest of his body close to me.
I was disappointed, and a bit insulted, but he did have a point. The last time that happened was fairly painful. "Fine, but can we at least leave the house tomorrow? I'm going crazy trapped in your ivory tower, Christian."
"Our ivory tower," He said with humor in his voice. "But fine. Where do you want to go?"

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