Alone With You

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Ana's POV

Christian frantically fluttered around Escala and put post it notes on every item there while mumbling to himself. "I hate this, I hate everything about it."

I shook my head and tried to waddle after him. "Baby, I know but we'll be fine. And it's one night without you, it's not like we're going sky diving."

My husband froze and looked horrified at the thought before going back to his work. "If I can get everything labeled for the movers then you and Emilia can come to Portland with me. Problem solved."

I rolled my eyes. "And what about Delilah?"

"Her too." He mumbled and slapped my ass hard on his way past me. "That's for the eye roll. Disrespect is where I draw the line, Mrs Grey." I jumped with the sting and he gave me a hurried smirk. Christian had to leave in the next fifteen minutes to get where he needed to be in time.

"This won't get done before you go so don't worry about it." I took the pad from his hands and he gave her cold dagger eyes. "Em and I will finish up. We can handle deciding what room things should go in."

Christian furrowed his brow. "Fine, but if I hear hat either of you have been irresponsible while I'm gone then I will make sure Sawyer or Ryan put a stop to it."

My hands rested on my pregnant belly and a smirked sarcastically. "Damn, I was planning on doing keg stands and smoking cigars."

He tried to take it as a joke but his face grew cold and he pulled me to his chest. "You two will be careful, right?"

I nodded. "Of course we will. She and I could use a girls night anyway. We can throw together some snacks and watch a movie or just talk. She can even paint my toes since I obviously can't reach them. It'll be fun."

Christian let our a deep sigh and released me. "You have a lot more confidence than I do in this, Anastasia. Where is Em? I need to speak with her before I go."

"She's in her room working." I rolled my eyes again but plopped myself on the couch before his hand could slap my ass. My lips pulled into a challenging smirk. "I'm sure she knows what the rules are. Em wouldn't try to upset you and she'll be texting you the entire time."

At that thought my husband patted his pockets for his phone and relief washed over him when he found it. He pulled it out and typed something fast. My phone pinged in the other room. "That reminded me and I sent you Emilia's night routine. The staff already know it. She needs to take her lithium with food by eight tonight and by ten tomorrow morning at the latest. Gail will have to plate the food for her and you know how much I put on their so please speak up if it's wrong. If she doesn't eat it all, isn't asleep by midnight or is still in bed by nine tomorrow morning then both Dr Flynn and myself need to be called. Ryan will handle the calling but then Em will need to pick up her own phone when I respond to her."

"Christian, stop it. You'll make yourself crazy"

"I'm already crazy." He pursed his lips and tucked and tucked the phone in his breast pocket. Christian leaned forward and kissed me in the lips until I saw only hearts behind my lids. "I love you, Anastasia. I'm going to go check on Em and say goodbye then I have to get going."

I gave his arm a quick squeeze. "Absolutely. I love you too. And please, be safe."

He gave me a charming smile. "I'll do my best, Mrs Grey." I looked after him with my wide eyes and Christian softened. "Come on up with me if you'd like, it won't take long. Emilia isn't one for goodbyes."

I penguin walked after him and he laughed, supporting me up the stairs and on the way to Em's room. I stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, while he moved across and sat on her perfectly made bed. My husband's fingers brushed a lose lock of hair behind her ear and she smirked over her laptop screen.

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