It's Good to be Back

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Author's Note: There is a cartoon picture in the comment from me that shows my idea of what Nikki looks like.

When I woke up a day later, I threw on my clothes from the day before and walked out of the clubhouse to my truck. After running my eyes over my vehicles for touch stains and making sure Lowell had followed my instructions, I climbed in and made my way to my brother's house. One twenty minute drive later, I was parking behind two Harleys in my brother's driveway. I honked once before shutting off the engine and climbing out and making my way around the house where I heard my brother's voice. "How did you get this thing in here?"

"By myself." Donna quipped back to him.

"Be careful, Opie, or your wife will emasculate you in front of people." I warned, noting the smiles on Donna's and Opie's faces and the frown on Jax's. "What, not happy to see me, Jax? You were the one that encouraged me to leave, so I'm not surprised."

"What the hell took you so long?" Opie questioned as he hoisted me up into a bone crushing hug.

"Had to get shit together to leave. Donna, where's my hug?" I demanded when Opie finally released me. Donna swatted at my arm as she brought me into a hug as well. "I missed you guys. God knows I drove as fast as I could to get here, but I still had to stop to sleep and eat."

"You didn't sleep in the truck, did you?" Donna wondered.

"Of course I did. I had to make sure no one tried to steal my bike and I wasn't gonna shell out nearly $100 a night just for a fucked up bed. I got in yesterday but I really needed to sleep and shower so I just stayed over at the clubhouse. And no, Ope, I didn't touch your shit. Gemma let me stay in Clay's room." I answered, already predicting what my brother would say to me.

"So, where are you staying 'til your house is fixed up?" Donna asked.

"I was wondering if I could crash on your couch or something. With all the hell that goes on at the clubhouse I can't get any sleep when the majority of the club is there. Plus god knows what room I'd be in and what went on in there before I was using it. I get it if you guys just can't right now, but 'til the house gets done, I'd really like to be as close to possible to you guys." I requested.

"Of course you can stay here. There's a guest room across from the kids' rooms. You can crash in there for now. Go put your stuff inside. We're getting a few things out for Jax to use for Abel. We'll be in soon. But you're going to the Taste of Charming with us. Opie's doing fireworks and you can see the kids. We'll be in soon to get ready." Donna decided.

"Okay, Madame Donna. I'll go get a fresh shower and get some clean clothes on." I smiled at her outraged look as I walked away to go into the house through the back door. Following Donna's directions, I dumped my bag out on the bed and grabbed some towels from the linen closet on my way to the guest bathroom to have a shower.

Forty-five minutes later - much longer than I'd needed for my nearly shaved hair and my body - I was out of my shower, dressed, and pulling my Harley down a ramp Opie had provided me so I could get my bike out of the bed of the truck. "The kids will fit in the truck just fine, Donna. You know Opie's gonna ride to the fund raiser and your car is beat up. Just take the truck and I'll take my bike. I'm gonna ride with Opie so I'll see you there, okay. Just don't wreck the truck and it'll be fine." I instruct her as I leave the keys to my pickup in her hand and strap my helmet to my head. As soon as I'm on my Dyna, I have it roaring to life under me and have pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. Ten minutes later, I'm pulling into the parking lot and parking my bike beside Opie, who is sitting on his bike smoking a cigarette. With a smirk, I steal the smoke from him and take a hit as I pull off my helmet. "You should always share with your little sister," I sass at his gob smacked look, quoting our mother from when we were kids.

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now