Shopping with Donna

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"Thanks for picking me up, Donna. I know you're trying to spend as much time with the kids as possible."

"Of course, Nikki. Besides, I think the kids and I could use the break from each other. They're starting to claim I'm smothering them." Donna joked.

"I know you're probably wondering where I'm wanting to go by now... I want to take you to a store with me. But you have to promise that you won't speak a word of where we go to anyone, okay? I want it to be a surprise."

"Alright, I promise I won't tell anyone. Are you gonna tell me where we're going now? I can't leave the lot until I know which direction I'm going to be driving."

"We're going to Theodora Boutique."

"What?! Why are we going there?! That's the most expensive boutique in Stockton." Donna protested.

"I know. That's why we're going there. There's a few things I need to pick up and I figured I owed you since we haven't spent a whole lot of time together since I got back."

"But, but Theodora costs way too much. I can't let you spend that kind of money on me, Nikki."

"You can and you will. I don't spend that much on bills and day to day stuff, and I have a job that pays enough I can afford it every once in a while. How do you think I got the Lincoln and Dyna?" I pointed out.


"No buts. Start driving, Donna. I want to get on the road before something else happens to delay this trip." I interrupted her.

After Donna finally started driving, we arrived in a little under an hour. I convinced Donna into letting me get her four lingerie outfits while I waited for the things I was there to pick up to be packaged. "So what all are you even picking up anyway, Nikki?" Donna wondered.

"Just some corsets, matching G-strings and the like. You know, feel good stuff that makes me look good and doesn't leave underwear lines. I ordered them a while ago but with everything that's been going on I haven't had the time to come and pick them up. Plus, I think you and Opie needed something to spice things up. Make yourselves remember how much fun you had when we were younger. That's why I wanted you to let me get you some things. I don't want your relationship to fall to the wayside. I'll convince Dad to watch the kids with me and you guys can use my house to spend some time together as husband and wife - not mom and dad, not brother and old lady, nothing but who you promised to be in your vow. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. It would be good to have some time for just the two of us."

"Exactly. So don't even thing about trying to pay me back. Let's get this stuff done an head back. I like having some time away but I'm worried the guys are gonna get into trouble while we're gone. Plus, I want to check on Chibs." I decided. I took the items from Donna and passed them to the clerk so I could pay for them. The clerk gave me a look up and down, but I couldn't tell if they were judging me or checking me out. Either way though, they're not really worthy of doing either to me.

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