The Ewok Misadventure

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"Mmm... good morning handsome." I greeted Jax with a smile when I woke up on his chest to see him looking down at me.

"Good morning, Darlin'. What costumes do you have planned for us today?" He asked me. Jax had gotten rather excited about cosplaying when he saw that no one could single him out when he was in costume.

"Remember that show we used to watch that had all the blood, death, and gore? With the two brothers."

"Wasn't it called 'Full Metal' something?"

"Yeah. Edward and the mechanic Winri." I answered as I listened to his heartbeat.

"Didn't you used to say that she dressed pretty provocatively?"

"I did. That was before I got into my own style of clothes."

"Mmm... alright, get up before I keep you in this bed. Go pull out the costumes and I'll order us some room service." I groaned and pulled away from Jax. While he was busy on the phone, I set out the simplistic clothes that would serve as our costumes. I pulled on the coveralls, tube top, and bandanna, tying the arms of the coveralls around my waist and dropping a wrench into my pocket. I pulled a pair of welding goggles over the bandanna on my head and some sandals on my feet to complete the outfit. Jax's clothes were much easier; A black wife-beater, black pants, and black boots took care of the most of it. A gloved sleeve styled to look like Edward's automail arm and the red, hooded jacket completed the look. Since Winri normally wore her hair up, I wasn't worried about wearing a wig today, and Jax's hair simply needed to be braided to match Edward's.

After hours of running around the convention center, Jax had gone off to get us some food from one of the venders outside. AS I was waiting, an Ewok that I'd seen around a few times walked up to me. "Hi there." I said in greeting, expecting it to be a child.

"What's up, sweet cheeks?" A decidedly adult male voice responded. What the-?

"Can I help you?" I asked, taking a step back against the wall to distance myself from him.

"You want to get a bite to eat, maybe go back to my hotel room and see what an Ewok can make you feel like?"

"No. I'm waiting for my Edward Elric, my boyfriend, to come back with our lunch."

"I'm sure I can satisfy you better than he can."

"Look, it would be safer for you if you stopped trying to get in my pants and leave. My boyfriend is a biker and does not take kindly to anyone hitting on me. Go away."

"I'm sure I could take your 'boyfriend' on easily." I had to laugh at that; the audacity this guy had.

"Nikki, who's this?" I heard Jax's voice off to my left.

"I don't know. He's trying to convince me he could fuck me better than you can, baby." I answered.

"Get lost, shrimp, before I stomp you under my boot." Jax threatened the Ewok. The Ewok just laughed while spouting some nonsense about every woman loving a little shrimp in their diet. As Jax took a step closer to the Ewok, I grabbed him by the arm to stop him.

"He is just trying to make himself feel big. Just leave him be." The last thing that we needed or I wanted was for Jax to get arrested for beating the little bastard's ass. Not saying he didn't deserve it, but we had to be back by Friday for Kip's patch in and I didn't want to miss it.

"Are you defending the fucker now?" I just looked at him while stared down at the Ewok. I knew he didn't mean it - Jax was terribly territorial about the things and people he loves.

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