Introducing Jax to Cosplay

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A/N: Up top is the characters Nikki and Jax are cosplaying, just in case you didn't know who they were.

Three days of nonstop activity can wear you out. After the party, Jax had kept me up nearly all night as payback for the lap dance. Then the next day, between printing out the tickets, and Happy putting Jax's row on my chest, and setting up our hotel, Jax kept me busy and mostly naked. He still didn't know what all I'd packed for the trip. As I woke up that Friday morning, I grinned as a still sleeping and snoring Jax burrowed his face into the back of my neck. With some practiced maneuvers, I slipped out of his hold and went to take a shower in the bathroom. I quickly washed, conditioned, and shaved before stepping out of the bathroom in a towel to find Jax sitting up in the bed. "You didn't wait for me to join you." He pouted.

"You were asleep and I had to shave. Go get a shower and I'll pull out today's costumes." I replied.

"Costumes? We're doing that now?" He leered at me.

"Not those kind of costumes you insatiable rabbit. Convention costumes, cosplays. I'm pretty sure all the ones I have will fit you."

"I'm not wearing a costume out in public, Darlin'. I have a reputation to uphold."

"But Jax, if you don't wear the guy's costume then people will assume I don't have my male counterpart and that I'm free game. I only have couples cosplays and if you're not dressed the part then they'll think we met here or something. Do you really want everyone here who's into chick trying to get in my pants while we're here?" I argued, pouting up at him.

"Fuck me... Fine, I'll wear the damn costumes, but they better be good." When Jax finally went to take his shower, I pulled out the cosplays I'd planned for the day. This is perfect to start us off. I set out Jax's costume and accessories on the bed before I pulled on my own and put together the Styrofoam weapon. "So, what are we doing today?" Jax asked as he came out in a towel.

"These characters are called Sango and Miroku. She is a demon slayer and he is a monk. If you'll pull on the robes, I'll help you with everything else." I informed him. I did my makeup and put my wig on while Jax got dressed with muffled complaints. When he was dressed, I had him sit on the edge of the bed while I put his wig on him.

"Is this really necessary?"

"Yes, it is. Miroku has black hair, not blond. You're lucky I didn't feel like fucking with contacts 'cause his eyes are purple and hers are brown. Okay, just one more thing to put on your hand and we'll be done." I applied a blackhole sticker to his palm then covered it with the glove. "There, put your shoes on while I put the staff together." Clicking the four pieces in place, I made sure the staff replica was secure before I pulled on my own shoes. "Ready to go?" I asked, excited.

"Might as well go ahead and get the embarrassment over with."

"Jax, honey. Here, people are embarrassed if they aren't in costume."

A/N: I know, it was super short, but this was kinda like a filler chapter. There will be more next chapter, I promise.

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