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The next morning, I was helping Jax pack up enough of Abel's things to last a week. We haven't been on lockdown in years. I really hope the guys will be safe and take care of this quickly. "Ready to go Nikki?" Jax's voice called to me from the hallway, mixing with Abel's cooing.

"All set. I've got plenty of clothes, bottles, diapers, wipes, toys... We need to grab one thing from my house and then we can head to the lot."

"What do we need from your place?" Jax's confusion contorted his face when I left the bedroom to meet him.

"Abel needs a bassinet. We can't take his crib and he's too young to sleep in the bed." I answered, smoothing out his kutte.

"Help me get him in his car seat and we can head out." Jax agreed.

"You have to learn how to get him in and out of his seat, Jax. It's one of the staples of being a parent. Come on, I'll show you." With Abel's bags over my shoulder, I led Jax into the living room where the car seat was waiting. "Okay, first we want to loosen the straps as much as possible so we can get Abel situated comfortably. There's a lever right here," I pointed to a small flap at the front of the seat between where Abel's feet would be, "Pull the switch up and pull the straps out. Now, let me see him." I set the bags down and took hold of Abel when Jax passed him to me, making sure to cradle his head. Bending down, I tucked Abel into his seat, manipulated his arms through the straps, and then locked the five-point harness into place. "Now all we do is tighten the straps and make sure the chest clips are at level with his nipples. If the chest clip is too high or too low and something happens, it'll hurt him. So to tighten it, we pull this," I grabbed the length of strap that hung off the bottom of the seat, "until you can't 'pinch an inch' of the straps off of his shoulders. If you can, they're too loose and it'll hurt him if something happens. There we go, he's all set." Knowing Abel was secure, I gave him a blanket and a pacifier to keep him happy.

When we stopped by my home, I parked my truck and ran inside and up the stairs to the room that held all of Emma's things. It took me all of a minute to find the unopened bassinet and pick it up, turning back to the door. I hesitated only a second before I grabbed the photo album on the changing table and finally left. I locked the door behind me and threw the bassinet box in the bed before I climbed in the truck with the album. With a wave to Jax, we were on our way to TM.

As soon as we were waved into the gate of the lot, Juice ran up to where I parked the truck to talk to Jax. I carried Abel inside with Jax's hand rest on my lower back, guiding me into the crowded clubhouse. Jax herded me to where Clay, Gemma, Chibs, and my dad were standing. Tig whistled to get everybody's attention. "Everybody! Listen up!" Tig shouted over the noise. Clay climbed up on a chair where everyone could see him.

"I want to welcome you-all to the Club Reaper. I'm glad you made your reservations early, 'cause as you can see, we're booked to capacity. You're here because you're family. And because SAMCRO takes care of its own. Next couple of days, this club's got some business to handle that could put our members and the people connected to us in... unfriendly situations. Now, chance are, nothing's gonna happen, but... people have already been hurt on my watch." Clay cut his eyes to Gemma and I as he said that. "And that ain't ever gonna happen again. Nobody gets in. Nobody leaves without an escort. You got a safety concern, you talk to Piney," My dad raised the shotgun he held so people would know what he looked like, "You got a comfort concern, you talk to my queen or the princess." Though I was chocked when Clay included me, I straightened my spine and lifted my head alongside Gemma. "Under this roof, you'll all be safe. Want you to make yourself at home. I love all of you." Clapping and cheers broke our when Clay stepped down and kissed Gemma.

After Abel was fed lunch and burped, I brought him over to the bar to sit with Gemma. "Hey." I greeted.


When the girl who was refilling Gemma's coffee turned to me and asked if I wanted any, I automatically replied with, "Black, three sugars."

"Glad you responded as you should. You're Jax Teller's Old Lady and they need to treat you with the respect that title deserves." Gemma told me.

"Gem, we've barely gotten together. It's too soon for me to be his Old Lady." I argued.

"You were always meant to be his Old Lady, Nikki. You two were meant for each other. That means something, here in the clubhouse and in this town. You don't take shit from anyone except me. Not even Clay gives you shit. Old Ladies are my deal." I took the coffee cup from the girl with a thank you before turning back to Gemma.

"Gem, I know all of that, but until Jax puts his crow on me, all of them still have a chance to take a shot at him."

"Then you know how to fix that. Soon as this is dealt with, you get him to put his crow on you." She advised with a smirk.

"Gemma, I know you're glad Jax and I are working things out, but it's gonna take some time for him to want to put his crow on my skin. If he wanted to do it tomorrow, I'd let him. But I don't know if he's ready for that yet. Maybe soon, maybe not. But I'm not going to rush him. Right now, knowing he wants to be with me is enough."

Hours later, when things had calmed down, I was stitching up and bandaging Chucky's hands. "You need to put some ointment on these burns every few hours. Otherwise you're more than likely gonna get an infection. Understand, Chuck?" I asked, making sure the pain meds I had given him weren't affecting him too much.

"I accept that." He agreed.

"Man, you must've really pissed somebody off." Gemma commented.

"My personality is such that there's no middle ground. People either love me or loathe me." Chucky answered her.

"Jesus Christ, you just won't die." Clay stated as he walked into the clubhouse.

"He showed up at the gate. He has some eye witness intel on the Caracara." My dad told him. Jax kissed my cheek in greeting after he walked in before Gemma addressed me.

"C'mon, Nik. Let's go run those errands." Clay told Gemma to take someone with us while I cleaned up the table. I told Jax goodbye with a quick kiss before running off after Gemma.

SAMCRO was preparing to head out for a fight with Weston and his guys. Couples and children stood all around the lot saying goodbye. "Be careful, Jax. You come back to us safe or I'll shoot you myself." I warned him as I held Abel between us.

"I will, Nikki. Nothing is going to keep me from coming home to you and Abel. Nothing." he swore.

"Good. Go take care of business. And be careful." I told him.

"I will. I love you, Nikki." Jax kissed me hard, like a man in the desert who'd found an oasis. And then he was gone, off with the others at his bike. I joined Gemma, Donna, and Lyla with glazed eyes and watched the guys roll out with them.

"Are you okay, Nikki?" Donna asked me.

"Jax told me he loved me." I answered, still in awe.

"Well, it's about damn time." Lyla blurt out. The three of us looked to her in astonishment before agreeing and herding everyone inside.

A/N: So, it's kinda short, I know, but I wanted to give you guys something. The next chapter is gonna have something very special for you all, so please be patient for a little while longer.

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now