The Terror After Bobby Comes Home

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AN: Please be careful reading this chapter. The end of it alludes to rape and I don't want to trigger anyone.

Three weeks later, I got a call from Bobby telling me he wanted me to pick him up from where the feds were holding him. I stopped by one of the local diners to grab some coffee to go when I saw Deputy Hale's older brother sitting with a clean cut guy and another who had a tat snaking out of his shirt sleeve. "Whatcha doing there Hale? I really hope you're not trying to ruin our small town vibe again." I spoke up as I stepped to their booth.

"I wouldn't ruin this town, my family-"

"Built the town, I know. Everyone does, Hale. The problem is, it won't be the town they built if you bring in a bunch of big places that'll shut down al the local businesses. You do that, new people come to town, Charming expands beyond the means you're capable of meeting, and then you'll be outta business and they'll elect a new mayor. You really sure you want that, Hale?" The waitress at the front call my attention to let me know my coffee was ready to go, "Have a good day, gentlemen. I do hope you'll take my words into consideration, Hale." I left them, stuck in shock , to pick up my coffee and hop into my truck outside, leaving just as David Hale pulled into the lot. I had to drive carefully, Bobby's bike had strapped into the bed of my truck rather shoddily because one of the mechanics had done it and there weren't any more straps available before I had to leave.

I stopped at a salon on the outskirts of Stockton to get a fresh manicure and have whoever had an open chair clean up my hair cut. When that was done, I made the last of the trek to get Bobby. "Nikki, what took you so long?" Bobby asked me as he stepped out of the building.

"Oh, please, Bobby. You just got out. Help me get the runner down so we can get this monster you call a bike outta my truck bed." I replied, hopping up into the bed of the truck via the wheel. While Bobby opened up the hatch and pulled the runner out, I unhooked the straps from around the bike. "Okay, this thing is gonna come down fast. You ready?"

"I was born ready. Bring me my baby." I laughed quietly to myself while I put the kickstand up. From the front of the back, I slowly pushed the tires to the runner and tried to keep it form rolling down too fast. Once Bobby had a hand on the seat, I let go of the handlebars and let it slide the rest of the way down to him.

"Get out of the way, I gotta get this runner back up before I can leave. I'll be right behind you to head back to the clubhouse. Your party's gonna start soon." I informed him, pushing the runner into the bed of the truck. Once it was put away, I closed up the back and hopped back into the cab, starting up the engine to pull behind Bobby at the road.

Bobby had to stop at a gas station midway through, so I kept on going and made it to TM just as a flashy car pulled in. I parked near the gate and rushed up to Tig and Clay who were meeting the guys from the diner halfway. "Garage is closed." Clay called to them. I just made it to his side when he and Tig stopped a few feet in front of them.

"We're not here for, uh, car repairs. I understand you're a Camacho fan." The well-dressed prick commented as he tried to hand Clay a box of cigars.

"Who are you?" Clay demanded.

"Uncle Clay, I saw them talking to big brother Hale at the diner earlier." I warned him.

"Just dropping by to give you a little friendly advice." The tat man said, passing Clay a card.

"And what advice would that be?

"We feel it would be best for all concerned if you stop dealing arms to the One Niners and the Mayans." Prick answered him. The guys all started laughing at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We're just mechanics and Harley lovers." Clay deflected.

"That's one of Darby's guys back there." Tig informed Clay.

"Mr. Darby is one of our supporters." The prick told us.

"So you're racists. This is a private party, family and friends only. We don't associate with Neo-Nazis." I ground out.

"Expensive car. Hell of a suit. All your teeth. Must be the top of the Aryan food chain, huh?" Clay circled the prick in front of us.

"What you do for a living is between you and your maker. I'm not here to adjust your moral compass. This is just a reality check. You're a criminal and you're done selling guns to color," Tig pulled his gun out, not liking the tone this guy had, "Are you gonna shoot me, Mr. Trager? With all these witnesses?"

"If he doesn't I will. I thought Nazis were illegal in all countries after what they did in Germany? Or is that okay now?" I spat out, holding back Happy from stepping around me.

"Look, uh, I don't know what Darby told you and, uh, I don't know what your angle is, but... let me be real clear. Nobody threatens SAMCRO. And nobody tells us what we can and can't do. Black, brown, or white. So, why don't you just climb back into your little German clown car and drive back to Nazi town? 'Cause the next time you piss all over my shoes, he will kill you," Clay warned the men, "and I don't give a shit how many witnesses there are."

"My shop opens in a few weeks. Until then... Enjoy." The prick placed the box of cigars on the ground and the group of Neo-Nazis walked to their car and left. Tat guy nearly walked into Gemma and apologized before getting into the driver's seat of the car.

"I want to know everything." Clay gave the car to Juice.

"You got it." He replied. Tig and Happy walked in front of the car until it pulled out of the lot and left.

"Happy, can I talk to you a minute?" As soon as I stepped up to him, Bobby pulled into the lot.

"Can it wait, Nik?" Happy's growly voice asked of me.

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed. As soon as Bobby's kutte was on, the Sons pulled him into a group hug and led him inside to the croweaters. I followed not far behind them, setting myself up at the bar on a stool. "Kip, tell the guys I went back to my place, yeah? I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight if I stay here." I left him with that and climbed into my truck.

Almost to my house, I came to a stop right behind Gemma's car. I honked once and waved to her when she looked back. Just as she was about to turn a minivan pulled up behind us and a woman got out screaming for help. Her baby was choking in the back of the vehicle. Gemma and I both jumped out to help her. I opened the door and Gemma peered into the baby seat. The next think I knew, something hard hit me in the back of the head and I blacked out.

I came to tied up to a chain link fence beside Gemma. "Where are we?" I whispered to her.

"I don't know. We need to find a way  out. Can you move your hands at all?" I wriggled my hands around, trying to pull my arms down to my sides.

"No. These are hospital grade restraints, Gem." A few seconds after Gemma slammed herself against the fence, four guys walked in, all wearing some kind of mask.

"What do you want?! You know who we are?! You know what we can do to you?! Take off the mask, you goddamn piece of shit!" Gemma kicked the guy standing in front of her in the nuts, and when he dropped I kicked him in the face. I felt a punch to my jaw and dazed out for a second. When I got my focus back, they were ripping our clothes open.

AN: I'm stopping here for this scene simple because it makes me too uncomfortable to completely  re-watch it and write it.

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