Chibs is Getting Better... But the Guys Fucked Up

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I got to the hospital to join Gemma just as a doctor came up to her. "Mr. Telford is stable, but critical. He landed on the back of his head, caused a subdural hematoma - a large blood clot. A brain bleed is severe but if it subsides, it's not life threatening. All we can do now is monitor it."

"If it gets worse?" Gemma asked.

"We'll have to go in and relieve the pressure."

"Jesus Christ. Cut open his head?"

"Oh, well, hopefully, it won't come to that. We're going to keep him under observation, make sure he stays stable and the bleeding stops like we want it to. We'll contact you if anything comes up." The doctor dismissed us.

"Come on, Gem. You need to go home and get some rest. I'll follow behind you until you get there." I helped Gemma stand up and we started to make our way out of the hospital. We were stopped by Hale on our way.

"How's Chibs?" He asked.

"Critical." Gemma answered.

"I'm sorry. You got a minute?" Hale requested.

"For what?" I demanded. Hale gestured for us to step into the chapel doorway to our left.

"I've kind of hit a wall trying to find out who did this. And, um, I was hoping you could help."

"Us?" What is he up to?  "I don't know anything more than the guys do." Gemma deflected, trying to protect the club.

"Unser told me some things... about you... and what happened. At least what he knows." Hale admitted.

"Piece of shit."

"Gemma, deep relaxing breaths." I soothed.

"He had to."

"Shut up!" Gemma lashed out, getting in Hale's face. Gemma and I turned our backs on him, stepping further into the hospital's chapel.

"We all know this thing with Chibs was Zobelle. Give me something, Gemma, Nikki. Any detail, anything you can remember. It never goes on record. The secret keeps. Just point me somewhere."

"Why are you suddenly so interested in helping us?" Gemma demanded.

"I became a cop, doesn't mean I don't give a shit about folks I grew up with."

"You want to hurt this guy just as bad as we do." I realized.

"Yeah, I do."

"Girl in her 20's, cute blonde... good rack. She's the only one I saw."

"She hit us over the head to knock us out so they could take us without a fight." I added.

"Thank you. And I am sorry."

"You or your cancerous boss tell anyone else what happened to us, and I will cut both of your big, soft hearts out." Gemma threatened him.

"Copy that."

"Are we done now, Hale? Gemma really needs to get some rest." I didn't wait for an answer before I pulled Gemma out of the chapel and the hospital. When we got to her car, I stopped her before she could close the door and start it. "I mean it, Gem. You're going home and you're gonna rest. Once I know you're safely inside, I'll head to the clubhouse to check on the guys. I'll call you if anything happens that you need to be there for, I promise. But you have to get some rest or you're gonna slip up and drop something on them that they don't need to know." I asserted.

"Okay, baby. I'll go home." I nodded and ran off to my bike to kick it to life and peel out behind her.

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