Lost Luann

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The next morning, I walked into the clubhouse just as Kip was talking to Tig, Happy and Bobby about his fake ball. "It's a little bit painful when I ride. Sometimes I feel it when I walk. Other than that, back to normal." Kip explained as he popped one of his prescriptions.

"Is it gay that I want to see it?" Tig asked Bobby.

"Gay curious." Bobby answered.

"Actually, it's bi-curious, Bobby. And that's only if Tiggy wants to see it for purposes other than basic human curiosity." I corrected him as I laid myself over Kip's back so I could watch them from his shoulder.

"Come on, drop 'em." Tig demands of Kip. I step back as soon as it leaves his mouth, knowing that Kip will drop his pants to show off.

"Is it supposed to be that swollen?" Happy wonders.

"Think so." Kip worries.

"They look uneven." Tig comments.

"One nut's always bigger than the other one." Kip defends.

"Really?" Tig begins to stick his hand down his pants as I step around Kip to take a look and explain.

"Kip, you're talking about tits. Balls hang unevenly to keep their temperature regulated. They're always the same size. That's swollen and infected. You're gonna have to go back to your doctor... they might have to remove it. It looks like your body is rejecting the implant." I turn my head to see my brother walk into the clubhouse, separating myself from Kip so Opie won't get the wrong idea.

"I shouldn't have to see that." Opie complains. Kip finally pulls his pants back up as the guys walk away to talk. Jax stepped into the room a few moments later, and I pulled him aside while the others talked.

"Jax, come here for a minute." I 'request' as I pull him by the arm over to the bar.

"I thought you wanted space, Nikki."

"I do. But I'm allowed to be worried about you guys. What happened while you were in County? You and Clay came back with some nasty cuts and bruises. Did you two get into it while you were there?"

"I don't want to talk about it, Nikki."

"Look, Jax, whatever this is... you and Clay fighting all the time over everything has to stop. At least for now. Both of you need to shelf it until Zobelle is gone. If the club is weakened by this he'll win. He'll destroy the club, the family, Charming. Shelf it until he's dealt with, then you guys can hash it out. Alright?"

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes as Jax walked away from me to the guys. What the hell has gotten into him?

A while after Jax left to Caracara, I got a call from him. "What is it, Jax?"

"Lyla's asking for you. Someone broke into Caracara, killed the guard dog. She's scared and she wants to see you."

"Tell her I'm on my way."

"I've got to call one of the guys to come up, too. I was thinking about calling Opie."

"Call Happy, instead. He's the one I want to set her up with. This'll give them a good moment to bond." I hung up, throwing the rag I was using to clean up the clubhouse into  bucket of dirty water and rushing out. Immediately after getting in the truck, I peeled out of the lot and sped my way to Caracara.

I pulled into Caracara and ran to where Lyla was standing in the lot with Luann. "Lyla, Luann, are you two okay? What did they take?"

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now