The Rest of the Truth

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Author's Note: If you are feint of heart when it comes to children, please be careful reading this chapter. It includes the loss of a child.

"Nikki, get dressed." Gemma demanded as she walked into my house unannounced the next day.

"Why do I need to get dressed?"

"You're going to Abel's come home party. Whether Jax likes it or not, Clay and I organized this party which means I can invite whoever I want to be there. Get some clothes on, sweetheart. If I have to drag you there half naked, I will do it."

"Alright, alright. Shit. I'm going. Don't take me anywhere near the Sons half naked, Gem." I chuckled, leaving her in my living room to put something more appropriate on. I only had ten minutes to get ready before Gemma burst into my bedroom and eyed my outfit critically before giving me a nod of approval and walking away. "You mind if I take my bike, Gem? I don't know how long I'm gonna stay."

"Oh no. You're riding with me. I let you get on that bike and there's no clue where you'll end up. Get your ass in the car. And don't whine about it." She added as soon as she saw me open my mouth. I grabbed my purse and locked the house up behind me before climbing into the passenger side of Gemma's car.

Twenty minutes later, she pulled up outside of Jax's house, but the driveway was basically empty. I walked in to find Wendy with a bunch of decorating stuff. "What the hell, Gem? Why am I here so early?"

"You're going to help me and Wendy decorate for Abel's party."

"Who are you?" The blonde woman, Wendy, asked.

"I'm Opie's sister. And you're the junkie that almost killed my nephew. We done with introductions?" I sassed at her.

"I'm not a junkie anymore. I'm clean."

"Clean for two months, it's a miracle. You want a parade for that? It's whore like you that nearly lost me my cousin a few years ago. Sit down and shut up before I drag you out of town with me." I warned, my eyes flashing dangerously when I connected with her own. She sat quietly, a stunned look frozen on her face. I turned my back on her quickly and took some ribbon from Gemma, twinging it around any bare surface I could get tape to stick to.

The party started at dusk; the whole of the club, the Old Ladies, Lowell, and Wendy were here. I was sat in a corner so I was as far away from Jax as possible, so I saw the moment before anyone else did the evil look Tara got in her eye before she swooped down and kissed Jax in front of Wendy. "Tara! Hallway! Now!" I demanded, grabbing her arm and pulling her along behind me. I dragged her into Abel's room and dropped her arm as if the mere touch of her skin burned me. "How fucking pathetic are you? That bitch, while I don't like her, has done nothing to you personally. How dare you be so god damn petty and do that in front of her. You know she's fresh outta rehab. Are you trying to send her back into the spiral of crank? You've always hated it whenever any other woman had any of Jax's attention, but you're really gonna be this fucking awful to her and kiss him in front of her. Abel is her son and she has a right to be around him. you'll just have to share Jax's attention, because you can't keep her from seeing Abel."

"You mind your place, Nikki. Don't forget that Jax is wrapped around my finger and if I tell him that you've been threatening me, you'll be gone before you can step out of this room."

"You wanna try me, bitch? I'm not afraid of Jax, or anyone else in the club. Don't you forget that I grew up with all those guys and I've always been there for them. I don't make threats, I make promises. And I promise you this, if you keep up with this bullshit of hurting Jax and this family because of your pettiness, I will bury you in the dirt with the rest of the people who thought they could hurt this family." I pushed past her back into the living room where the others were, passing Jax in the hallway where he was leaned against the wall across from Abel's room. Knowing him he didn't listen to anything other than the last thing I said to her. I plopped down where Jax had sat before and stared out into space.

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now