Lies, Family, and Business

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"Hey, baby. Get your ass dressed and meet me at the hospital. Abel gets outta the toaster today and I'd like you to be there to keep me from falling apart." I heard Gemma's voice from beside my borrowed bed.

"Gem, what are you doing here so early?" I asked, still groggy.

"Making sure you don't chicken out. Let's go. He's getting out son."

Half an hour later, Gemma and I were sitting in the room with Abel when Jax walked in. I busied myself with a magazine when he looked at his mother. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off on you last night." He apologized.

"I'm sorry, too. It was a crazy day" Gemma stood up and stood on the other side of Abel's 'toaster' across from Jax, "Strange time, Jax. So much shit is changing. I just worry - about you, about him."

"About Tara. What happened with me and Tara... is ancient history, Mom." Jax put in.

"Gem, do you mind if I go wait outside. When he comes out I don't wanna be intruding on a family moment." I broke into their conversation, pleading with my eyes for Gemma to let me out of the room.

"Sit down, Nikki. You're family and you're gonna be here," Gemma turned back to Jax to set him straight, "She hurt this family. Tried to pull you away. Succeeded in pulling you away from one of your closest childhood friends. Just look at how you're treating Nikki, Jax. You two and Opie were thick as thieves before you met Tara."

"I didn't leave, did I?" Jax cut his eyes to me.

"But she did. Broke your heart. Don't put any of this on Nikki. She warned us as soon as Opie was arrested that if he went to prison she'd be gone until he got out. There is such as a difference as taking a break and leaving without telling anyone." Gemma defended me.

"I guess."

"You guess? She crushed you, Jax. Then when Nikki wanted to get away for a while you lost your shit on her. You don't get to-"

"Gem, enough. Please. Don't make today about my drama. This is Abel's day." I interrupted her, having heard enough.

"Dr. Namid's still in surgery. It's gonna be a while before they take him out of there."

"Yeah. I came early to talk to you. We need a favor."

An hour or so later, Luann walked in the waiting room with a stuffed bear. I stayed sitting while Gemma stood up to greet her. "Hey, baby. Is Abel out yet?" Luanna asked.

"No, not yet. Appreciate you coming."

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it. How you doing, Nikki?"

"I'm good, Luann. Gem needs to talk to you, so I'll wait here for you guys to get back." I segued the conversation back to Gemma, making it easier for her to do that favor Jax asked of her. For whatever reason, the club needed seventy grand in cash by the end of the day. I didn't ask any questions, knowing I wasn't going to get an answer. The only people who got to know everything outside the club was the Old Ladies who asked to know everything. I wasn't an Old Lady so I was on a need to know basis only. I honestly didn't want to know why they needed that much cash either. I knew Gemma was gonna bring up Otto giving Luann the front money to be a porn producer instead of a porn star - I didn't want to be a part of the because I knew it'd cause conflict between them. I had enough drama of my own from coming back already. I waited until Gemma hung up her phone after Luann left to walk up to her. "You two gonna be okay? When you mix business and friendships it can get messy."

"We're gonna be okay, baby. You know that we were the only Old Ladies in the First Nine. We'll get through this like we have everything else."

"With a joke and alcohol?" I chuckled.

"Exactly. Let's go see how much longer it's gonna be. You gonna be able to do some work from here?"

"Yeah. I brought my laptop. As long as I can connect to the internet I can get all my work done. I'm gonna go sit in there with Abel where it's quiet. Come and get me off the computer when they're ready to get him out?" I requested.

"Sure, baby. Get some work done. Gotta make money if you're not gonna be an Old Lady." I rolled my eyes where she couldn't see as I stepped into Abel's hospital room. It took me all of ten seconds to boot up my computer and get started on my work.

Hours later, Gemma pulled me out of statistics and math, shaking me out of my concentration. "Come on, baby. Pack it up. I'm gonna go remind Jax his son's getting out of the toaster. We'll be back in time for when they take him out. Go wash your face and put this away." She whispered to me.

"Okay, Gem. I'll see you when you get back. Want me to grab us some coffees while I wait?" I offered.

"Sounds good. You know how we take them. I'll be back. Make sure you move that computer of yours or Jax might just sit on it." Gemma warned me. I winced at the thought and immediately shut down my computer and put it away in the corner of the room. After Gemma walked out of the waiting room, I went through to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face and wake up. It was on my way to the little kitchenette to get coffee that I ran into Tara. I ignored her going in, and kept my composure when she got in my personal space.

"What do you want, Tara?"

"Why are you here? The NICU is for staff and family only." She spit at me.

"I'm here because Gemma wanted me here. I'm family, don't you forget. I was accepted without having to screw a Son. And at least if I had been with a Son, I wouldn't have left them heartbroken just to run back when I knew he was the only one who would protect me. I know your angle, Tara, don't forget that either. You may have Jax wrapped around your skinny ass fingers, but you don't have me or anyone else fooled. Excuse me, I have to bring these coffees to Jax and Gemma." I pushed past her shocked face, reveling in the fact that I controlled myself enough to not hit her like I wanted to. When I walked back into Abel's room, I handed both Jax and Gemma their coffee and sat in the corner finishing mine. Jax was sat in a rocking chair fidgeting while Gemma was pacing. They were both worried for the moment they could hold Abel in their arms. Abel had already been taken out of the incubator and into another room for some tests and to get cleaned up. When Jax looked up at the door, I followed his stare to where Tara was bring Abel in. You have got to be kidding me. Shouldn't his doctor be the one bringing him in? Isn't she still a resident? Gemma may have been staring at Abel with that loving look, but Jax wasn't just looking at his son, he was looking at the woman holding his son. Why the hell do I even care? He's gonna have to learn the hard way not to let just any woman take care of his kid. She's gonna end up leaving him and breaking that poor baby's heart just like she did to his daddy. As soon as Abel was in Jax's arms, he nearly cried tears of joy. HIs face was so happy and free of stress. I watched him while Gemma and Tara left the room.

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now