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I was so sore the next day, I wanted to cry every time I moved. Instead, I put on the loosest fitting dress I could find (basically a muumuu) and made my way out of the clubhouse to see what the guys were up to in the garage. As soon as I stepped out, I found one of Luann's girls flirting with my brother. When he stepped away to talk to Dog, I made my way to her, making sure her son couldn't hear me when I said, "I like you, you're better than the girl who keeps trying to get with Jax, but Opie is happily married with two kids and I love my sister-in-law. I want to warn you ahead of time that if you flirt with him more and ruin their family, I will be very cross. I know you love your kid, and I know you like cute biker guys. So I have a compromise, go for one of the single brothers and you're golden. There's one in particular who I think you would really like. I'd like you to meet him. Lyla, if you cross me, you'll regret it. Understood?" I half tried to set her up and half warned her.

"Okay. I'm gonna take my kid to school and then go to work. I'll step off Opie. You can set me up with whoever you like." She agreed. I gave her smiled and walked off to the garage.

"Opie, a word please?" I requested, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me to an empty corner of the garage. "Ope, I know you're kinda clueless when it comes to women who aren't your wife, but Lyla was flirting with you. Don't worry, I've already set her straight. She knows you're off limits. And you are, I don't wanna hear any crap from you. Look, I love you, Ope, and I love Donna. I don't want your marriage to fall apart after so many years together because you couldn't realize another woman was flirting with you. I know you're just too nice sometimes. That's why I handled it. Now, go do your job. I'm gonna wander around here for a bit." Without even giving him a chance to say anything, I sent him back off to work and started walking around the garage.

Most of the guys went into town, dealing with Zobelle. So I spent a good deal of time hanging in the garage and then with Gemma in the office. Eventually, Gemma left me in charge while she went to pick up a prescription Tara wrote up for her. When they finally got back, Tara had a busted nose from startling Gemma.

When Gemma tried to convince me to go with her to talk to the shrink Tara suggested, I adamantly refused and left her to go alone, knowing if I went then I wouldn't say a thing and it wouldn't help anything. I'd tried therapy before and it didn't work for me; it had only made me feel worse about myself and everything around me.

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now