Celebrations and Surprises

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A/N: Corset she's wearing is up top, and the song is what she's dancing to is up top as well.

"What would you have me do, Miss Winston?" Jimmy O's question, littered with resigned surrender, still rattled around my head two days later. In that time, I'd made a call to Nashville to investigate Stahl's claim that Gemma killed Edmund Hayes and Polly Zobelle in cold blood, and her statement had come apart. Gemma was cleared of all charges after they found Edmund had been show with Stahl's gun, and been brought home yesterday by Wayne (who she had called to pick her up). The club was throwing a huge party tonight. They had a lot of reasons to celebrate: Zobelle and Weston were dead; Cameron was dead (he'd been given to Tig and Happy until Jax was satisfied and killed him); the Irish pipeline to the guns was opened up better than ever before; Gemma was declared innocent of all charges; Jax had a new, permanent, Old Lady; and they knew I had a surprise waiting for them. "Nikki, we haven't had a chance to talk since you man-handled Jimmy O. And I've been meaning to talk to you about what you called Abel." Jax said to me as I was getting dressed for the party.

"Which part? I called Abel a lot of things yesterday, Jax." I deflected.

"You called him your son. Do you really feel that way about him?"

"Do you not want me to? I know biologically he's not mine, but I love him like he is and since I'm your Old Lady I just figured eventually he'd end up calling me 'mommy' but if that's not what you want I can get him to call me Nikki as he gets older. I just love Abel and the thought that he could have been taken from me, too, broke my heart. I - I can live with being his 'Aunt Nikki' if that's what you want, Jax, just don't take him from-"

"Nik, Nikki, Darlin', calm down." Jax interrupted my growing hyperventilation. "I only asked to make sure you meant it. Abel's had two shit women in his life already. We both are lucky to have you in our lives and Abel would be the luckiest kid in the world to have you for a mom. Take a deep breath. After every thing we've been through, I wouldn't dare separate you and Abel. He deserves to have a mom love him like you do." It took a few minutes, but I finally calmed down as I registered Jax's words.

"Damn it, Jackson, don't scare me like that!" I shouted, slapping his arm when he laughed. "You're not funny." I pouted.

"I'm hilarious and you know it. Now finish getting ready. You still have to pick up the surprise for the club." With a pat to my shoulder, Jax stepped away to find his own clothes. I was just finished my makeup when my cell phone rang. I answered it as I applied my lipstick.


"Hey, Nikki."

"My main bitch, what's up? You haven't called since I left. What the hell have you been up to?" I asked my cousin.

"I got the flu and accidentally passed it on to Mark. We're not gonna be able to go to Comic Con up in San Diego. We're not contagious any more but we're still too messed up to go. I was wondering if you wanted our tickets? The Con is this weekend. I can email you the tickets if you want them." I debated for a moment before answering.

"Yeah, email 'em to me. I'll convince my man to go with me. I love you, honey, but I got to go. I'm expected at a party soon and I have something to pick up before then."

"I love you, too. The ticket's will be in your email in the morning." Once we had hung up, I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my purse, walking out of the bedroom and met Jax in the living room.

"So, what are you going to convince me of?" Was his immediate question.

"My cousin in Nashville - Pepper - she and her fiancé caught the flu and can't make it to the San Diego Comic Con and offered me her tickets. Do you want to go with me? I've always wanted to go with Pepper but every time it came up I had too much going on. Would you please?" I stuck out my lip and pouted at him, pulling out the eyes I knew none of the Sons could resist.

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