A.T.F.'s Big Mistake

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The movers for my furniture came later the same day I left the clubhouse for good. That night I'd had to break my promise to be at the club parties I'd made to Gemma. All because of that pussy whipped bastard, I broke a promise to my favorite Charming aunt. I want to hate him. I want to despise him and everything he stands for, but that means everything the rest of my family stands for. Stupid mother fucker runs me off from my home, not once but twice and still thinks that the sun shines out of her ass. I wish I could hate him - I miss the Jax I grew up with, not the Jax he is now. Two weeks later, the knock on my door startled me into burning myself with the bacon grease I was heating up to put away. "Damn it!" Another knock made me turn the stove off and set aside the pan. I stomped to my door and yanked it open to see Agent Stahl standing at my door. "What the fuck do you want?" I demanded with a glare.

"Mind if I come in?" She tried to push her way through my threshold.

"You got a warrant to get into my house?" I asked.

"I don't need one if you invite me in, Nikki."

"You don't call me 'Nikki'. That's reserved for family and friends only. And unless you have a warrant, which you have no cause for, then you can't come in my house. Get the fuck off my property before I press charges for police harassment." I warned her, slamming the door in her face and bolting the locks shut.

"I'll be back when I have enough for a warrant, Miss Winston!" She called through me door.

"You do that! 'Til then stay the hell away from me!" I shouted back.

I got a call from Donna a few hours later, telling me that Stahl had bee by her house, telling her it was only a matter of time before Opie went back to prison. "God damn it! Donna, tell me you didn't say shit to her. Tell me you didn't give her anything." I begged.

"I didn't tell her shit, Nikki. I don't know shit to tell her anyway. You know I'd never rat on Opie."

"I know, Donna. That A.T.F. cunt came by my house earlier. She comes back, you do not let her in your house, you hear me? Don't invite her in, don't talk to her. Nothing." I demanded.

"I won't, I promise, Nikki. It would be a lot easier if you were here though."

"I know Donna. But I can't. I love you hun. Stay strong. I'll talk to you soon." I hung up shortly after, going back to the task that Stahl had interrupted so early in the morning. I'm tired of bitches coming near my home, my family, and fucking shit up. If I have to, I will kick each and every one of their asses out of this town, one way or another.

I got another call shortly after I finished putting away the bacon grease, and answered it to Gemma's voice. "What's up, Gem? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Feds took Luann to jail. They grabbed Cherry and came after me in the grocery store. They haven't messed with you, have they?"

"The cunt tried to come in my house this morning. I told her if she bothered me again without a warrant that I'd press charges for police harassment. She went after everyone with something to lose so why did she try to talk to me? I've got nothing to lose since I left on my own."

"You've still got family with us, baby. You're just not here with us. You need to be."

"I can't Gemma. Something major happens, I'll come back. 'Til then, I'm gonna stay put. I've got to make a run to Stockton. I need groceries, my fridge has barely got anything in it."

"Okay, hun. Go get your groceries. Give me a call if that bitch shows back up, warrant or not." She instructed me.

"I will, Gem. But I really need to go now. I'll talk to you soon. Bye." With that call over, I hopped in my truck and  made the hour drive to Stockton to pick up everything I needed for the house.

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