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Fair Warning: There is a sex scene in this chapter. If you have a problem with sex, then you're part of the wrong fandom buddy. Credit to the woman who helped me write this chapter will be at the end.

The next morning, I was dragged out of the clubhouse with the Redwood Originals, top Old Ladies, Happy, and Lyla to the police station. While we waited, I took a look at Jax's injuries from the fight the night before. As soon as Unser stepped outside we all crowded him to hear the news. "What?" Clay demanded.

"Stahl's been locked in a room with FBI, two hours now. No idea what's going on." Unser explained.

"What about Weston?" Jax asked.

"Still waiting to hear from the D.A. I'm sorry." I watched with a heavy heart as Unser went back into the hellhole his station had become.

"Sack, stay with my mom and Nikki." Jax ordered the man behind me.


"Jax, stay safe. You know the drill. Abel and I will be waiting when you get back." With one last peck to his lips, I followed Donna and Gemma back to the car, leaving the guys at the station.

I looked around the main room of the clubhouse, with all the laughing and cutting up people were doing, you wouldn't know that we were in the middle of a lockdown. I was lost in my thoughts, replaying Jax's confession when Abel's yawn pulled me back to the present. I gathered the empty bottle that had just ten minutes before held his lunch and headed into the kitchen to find Gemma. "Hey Gem, Abel is getting sleepy. I think I'm going to catch a nap with him."

"You feeling okay, hun?"

"Yeah, just tired. Haven't really slept well since after Jax and I talked and before he almost went Nomad. I'm just gonna nap with Abel for a bit if you don't mind going to do the errands alone."

"That's fine, Nikki. Go get some rest." With that conversation over with, I placed a kiss on Gemma's cheek and headed to Jax's dorm room. Once there, I placed Abel in the bassinet, where he immediately snuggled into his blanket and fell asleep. Out of all the clothes I packed, how did I forget fucking pajamas? Shrugging it off and pretty sure that he wouldn't get upset, I took one of Jax's old SAMCRO shirts and a pair of grey shorts out of the dresser. After I was dressed, I checked on Abel one last time before I crawled into the bed for some much needed sleep.

I'm not sure how long I was out when I was awoken by someone touching my head. Out of pure instinct, I grabbed the attached wrist and twisted the offending hand away from me. "Whoa, Darlin', it's just me. Calm down."

"Oh thank god." I released his hand as I rose to my knees on the bed and threw my arms around him. "Is it really over? Did you... Is he gone?" I asked as I sat back on the bed.

"Yeah. As for the bullshit that happens on a daily basis, I can't make any promises." Jax cupped the left side of my face. "Nikki, you know I meant what I said yesterday. I do love you." I turned my head into his hand with a smile, kissing his thumb.

"I know. I love you, too." Jax pressed his forehead against mine and I savored the moment of silence with him. When his lips met mine, I didn't turn away or protest; I wanted this, needed this. When he kisses me again, it's as slow, sensual as a lover would, making butterflies swarm in my belly. This was so different from my only other time with him. He gently laid me back on the bed, still kissing me slowly. I placed my hand on his chest to stop him, "What about Abel?" I was worried we would wake him - and that's the worst way to ruin the mood.

"Hold on." Jax crawled off of me and slowly rolled the bassinet out of the room. I was still in the same position, propped up on my elbows, when he came back without Abel a few moments later. When Jax torturously slowly removed his shirt and tossed it on the floor, I smiled at him, crooking my finger at him to tell him to come to me. When he crawled back above me, I smiled as I pulled him to me, kissing him soft and slow, not wanting to rush this moment. I was already panting by the time he started to pull my borrowed shirt over my head. He stared at me in awe, as if I was the most beautiful thing in the world he'd ever seen. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my shorts and pulled them inch by inch down my legs, never taking his eyes off mine.

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