Last Day of Con; What'll Happen?

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I jumped out of the bed when my alarm went off, jostling Jax awake as I shut it off. "What's the rush, Nikki?"

"Today's the last day. Do you know what that means?" I rushed out in my excitement as I started pulling out our costumes.


"It means we're going to the Dealer Dean, where almost everything will be on sale. Which means presents for everyone I can find something for. and the last cosplays of the event. I've been waiting for us to wear these. They're honestly my favorites. I am going to need you to paint something on my back for me."


"Because it's an important piece of the costume. One goes on your arm, too. You also get sticky studs 'cause the guy has studs all over him. Now, go ahead and get dressed. I'm gonna get dressed, too, and then we'll do the paint and the studs. I'm sorry, babe, but you're gonna have to wear a wig again."

"Alright... let me get into this outfit first."

"That's fine, babe. Hey, I'm so, so glad you came with me." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to push my lips against his own to show my appreciation. Jax groaned, caging my body against his and kissing me back with fervor. I pulled away slightly to catch my breath and smiled at him. "Okay, go get dressed. We have a lot of shopping today. Plus, we need time to let the paint dry. We can eat while we wait." With a sigh and a peck to my cheek, Jax released me and started to get dressed. His clothing was simple enough; a navy blue/almost black tunic with fur on the right shoulder, white pants, and black boots. Mine was slightly more complicated: a short orange dress, matching separate hanging orange sleeves, sandals, a yellow/orange headband with a flower attached, and a blue wig. Once dressed, I pulled out the sticky studs so I could apply them for Jax.

"Do you need me to sit down?" Jax offered.

"Yes. I need to put them on your face first. Then I'll do the ones on your arms. Okay?"

"Go for it, Nik." Once Jax was sat on the edge of the bed, I started by sticking three studs on the bottom of each ear. Then three just above each eyebrow; his eyebrows were light enough that they wouldn't distract from the studs. Three studs were stuck on either side of his nose, followed by two more on his chin. Finally, I placed four studs on each of his forearms to finish. "This character wears this much metal?" Jax asked in confusion.

"He doesn't wear it, they're part of his body. He's an Iron Dragon Slayer. In the show they're from, Dragon Slayers can eat, wear, and use the element they wield. Now, hold still for just a little longer so I can paint this on your arm. After I'm done, I just need you to paint my back and we're done." I reassured him. I made quick work of the painting I needed to do on Jax's arm with the aid of a stencil and quick-dry black paint. With some quick instructions to explain to Jax what I needed him to do, the orange-peach paint was drying on my left shoulder blade in record time. "Great. Now we just need to put your wig on and we can eat breakfast while we wait." Jax's reaction as I pulled out the long, bushy wig was priceless, all wide eyes and gaping mouth.

"You want me to wear that? All day?"

"Well, if you'd prefer a single guy in that cosplay hit on me, that's up to you. The studs and hair are what make this character, Jax. Well, that and the hilariously terrible jazz singing."

"I'm not singing. I'll do a lot of this for you, Nik, but singing isn't one of them."

"Jax, I wouldn't ask you to sing for me, but it's cute you don't think I could get you to sing for me if I wanted you to."

"Woman, would you just let me put my foot down?" Jax requested exasperatedly.

"Only if it's because you're dancing with me tonight." I teased playfully.

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now