Same Old Jax

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I got a call from Clay as soon as I woke up, so when I threw my clothes on I jumped straight in the truck and headed to the station to meet up with him. I playfully gagged in my mouth at Gemma and Clay's reunion, knowing that the clawing feeling in my guy was reminding me I could never have something like that. The sweetbutt from before came up and Gemma went to talk to her. "Shit, Aunt Gemma! Come one! I've got to get some work done if I want to get paid this week. I can't cover the garage today!" I called out to her from where I was leaning with Clay against his bike. As soon as the threesome conversation came up, I hopped in the truck and drove behind where Gemma had decided to ride with Clay as we left the lot. We passed Jax who had Tara on the back of his bike, and I felt my smile melt into a frown the whole way back to Opie's house.

"Hey, what's up, Nikki? What's the frown for? I thought you were going to pick up Gemma from the precinct?" Donna asked me when I walked in the door.

"I was. She rode with Clay. Decided to come back here. Saw Tara riding Jax's bitch on my way." I answered.

"I'm sorry, hun. You know he's always been blind when it comes to her." Donna tried to soothe me.

"I know. I'm gonna go hang at the club today. See if I can get Tig or Chibs to help me on my right hook. I'll see you later, Don. Oh, if you want me to make a dessert for dinner tonight, just pick out what you want and let me know, I'll pick up the stuff to make it on my way back." I kissed Donna's cheek before going to change my clothes. Once I was dressed, I hopped on my bike and rode off to TM.

When I pulled up at the end of my ride, I parked behind the picnic table where Tig and Chibs were sitting and shut off the Dyna and whistled at them to get their attention. "You trying to give the prospect heat stroke? Give him a water break - I gotta talk to you guys." I called out.

"Prospect, go get some water." Chibs jerked his head to the door of the clubhouse.

"So what's up, baby girl? What do you need to talk to us about?" Tig asked, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Quit staring at my legs and I will, Tiggy. My eyes are up here. Don't let Opie or Daddy catch you staring at me like that." I warned him with a giggle, plopping down between the two of them. "I need some work on my right hook. I got a little sloppy while I was away - family didn't think I needed to know how to fight as long as I carried mace." I explained.

"Sure, wanna go against the prospect? He needs a real challenge, Lowell can't do much to help him." Chibs asked.

"Sounds fun. Can you put a shirt on him though? If I see bruises I'll feel bad and I don't want to hold back if he needs the challenge."

"No problem, Nikki. That what you're wearing to fight the prospect?" Tig questioned.

"You got a problem with my clothes Tiggy, you can get in the ring in Kip's place and let me practice my right hook on you instead." I shot back.

"Tig can't fight you right now. I need to borrow him to take care of some business. Put a shirt on before you get in the ring." Jax broke in, pulling Tig away from the ring.

"Kiss my ass, Jax, I'm wearing more than your regular sweetbutts do!" I shouted after him. "Chibs,get the prospect yeah? I'm gonna stretch before I get in the ring." I asked, pulling my leather jacket off and setting it on my purse on the table. As soon as Chibs left, I stretched my fingers down to touch my toes and did a few stretches for my back while I was down there. As I came back up, I ignored Kip and Chibs staring at me in favor of stretching my legs and bouncing on my feet to get my adrenaline pumping. "Eyes off the goods boys, Daddy can't kick your ass anymore but Opie can. Let's get in the ring Kip. I need some practice and I hear you need a challenge. Some rules first though: No hitting me in the tits, and no punches below the belts. Other than that, do what you can to take me down." I asserted, climbing into the ring before him.

The Life of Nikki WinstonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin