A/N: Competition

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This is for anyone who'd like to participate. I'm going to give you a description of the what Jax and Nikki will be wearing for their cosplays in the next chapter and the first person to guess both characters correctly and what show they are from is going to get a shoutout and a guest appearance as a friend of Nikki's in chapter 34.

Jax: Navy blue/black tunic with fur on the right shoulder, white pants, black boots, black painted mark on right arm. Black, long, bushy wig. Studs on face and arms.

Nikki: Short orange dress, matching separate hanging orange sleeves, sandals, yellow/orange headband with flower. Short blue wig. Orange/peach paint on left shoulder blade.

Good luck everyone. You have a week to make your guesses before the competition is closed.  Please do remember that you must know the characters names and the show they're from.

Update: Competition is already closed.

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