Back Home

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Finally back home. The time away was nice, but I've missed Abel. As soon as Jax and I got back into Charming, we dropped out things off (what we'd taken with us) and made out way to TM. Of course, as soon as we pulled into the lot, we were surrounded by the club. "Alright, everybody back off! We need to be able to breathe!" I shouted out the open window.

"All of you barbarians back off. I'm sure they'd like to see their son." Gemma took control, elbowing a few of the guys out of the way. As soon as I saw the little man in her arms, I jumped out of the truck and swept him up, showering him with kisses.

"Oh, I missed you so much, Abel. Did you have a good time with grandma and grandpa?" I asked softly, snuggling with the sweet baby.

"Alright, Nik, don't keep him all to yourself. Let me see him." Jax complained to me as he came up beside me.

"Fine. Go ahead and take him inside, I'll get all the presents out."

"Oh, you brought gifts back for us?" Gemma asked.

"Yep. Can you get everybody inside, Gem? They're kinda in the way."

"Sure, baby. Everybody inside or your presents go to me and Abel." Well, that was super effective. With a minute to myself in peace, I pulled out the bags of presents and carried them inside. Gemma had to hold the guys back from swarming me the moment I stepped in the doorway with another threat to keep their presents.

"Okay, everybody, calm down! I spent all day yesterday shopping for you. Don't make me regret it."

"You mean Jax let you drag him shopping all day?" Tig asked.

"Mostly. I did have to convince her to eat lunch... and quit when they were closing down." Jax answered him with a smirk.

"Behave boys." I commented half-halfheartedly. "So, first is for Abel." I pulled out the three pound plushy and passed it over to Jax who was still holding the baby. "Next, Kenny and Ellie. These are for you, kids."

"Thank you, Auntie Nikki." The two children said politely as I gave them adventure coloring/activity books based off of a show I watched with them. I saw Piper standing off to the side with Lyla and Happy and turned a smile on him.

"I didn't forget you, Piper. Here you go, sweetie." Piper smiled as I gave him the complete series of a book I'd seen him reading. There, now that the kids are done, I can move on to the adults. "Gem, I got a set of these made for you." I pulled out a stack of folded down clothes and watched her smile take over her face as she read through the items. 3 shirts and an apron giving her props for raising kids, grand kids, and a biker club while being a bad bitch is all it took? I love how easy to please Gemma is. "Oh, Clay, these are supposed to be the best there are. I really hope you like them. If you don't, well I'm sorry." I told Clay as I handed him a box of hand rolled cigars. "Chibs, Fiona, and Kerrianne, for you guys, an entire kit for you to make new memories and try some new things. For Happy, an anatomy kit. For Kip, I have a cosmetics kit and a new K-bar. For Donna and Opie, I have some t-shirts and tickets that I won in a raffle to go see your favorite band live in concert. Kozik, I have this monstrosity for you. Please don't open it til you're alone." I instructed as I handed over the wrapped box, knowing full well that he'd open it as soon as Tig coaxed him into it. "Daddy, I got you this since I knew you were looking for it. A bottle of tequila from the year I was born, and a bottle of whiskey from the year Opie was born. Tig, I figured you'd like these best. I saw them and immediately thought of you." I pulled out the fluffy purple handcuffs with a hooked finger and tossed them at Tig with a smirk he returned. "Okay, I think that's everything. I hope everybody liked their presents." With that, I gathered up the empty bags and told Jax I was going to put my autographed shirt in his dorm room. Everything the past few days has been so great. And everyone's smiles are almost enough to make me forget how annoying the guys can be. But at least we're home and things look like they're calming down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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