Fine, I'm Gone

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Author's Note: The cartoon picture is a vague idea of what Nikki looks like. Her hair is more shaved in the back and around the sides, and shorter than the picture in the front and on top. I can only get it to look so close with a limited selection.

Jax had left a while ago to do god knows what for the club, and I was honestly ready to just go get some sleep, but I knew if something was going on with the club then I would need to go check on my dad and brother. "Gem, I'm gonna go make sure that Daddy and Opie are gonna be okay for the night, okay?" I asked, picking up my stuff from the corner of the room.

"You sure? You haven't even held Abel yet." Gemma questioned me. She had been trying to get me to hold Abel since after Jax had left, after she'd been able to hold him for a bit.

"I'm sure. I can't, Gem. I can't hold him knowing that Jax wouldn't let me see him after he gets out. This shit between me and Jax has to end before I left myself get attached to the little guy. I know if I hold him now I'm not gonna want to let him go. I'll see you tomorrow. Keep me updated, yeah?" I kissed her cheek and ran my finger over Abel's cheek, taking a good look at him.

"Okay baby. But tomorrow you're gonna tell me what had you so pissed off before you came in here earlier."

"You don't miss a thing, do you? Okay, I'll tell you when I see you tomorrow. Make sure you get some rest at some point tonight." I left the room quickly after that, catching the elevator down with a couple who had just come from visiting their own kid. I didn't talk to them - didn't feel like being social after today - but I heard a bit of what they were talking about. Their poor kid had a heart murmur and they weren't gonna be able to take him home until the doctor decided he was gonna be okay.

Parking in the lot of TM, I saw what I really hoped wasn't Kip pulling a bleeding man out of an ambulance. "Damn it, Chibs, what did you guys get into?" I helped the guys hide the ambulance in the garage and found out what Chibs needed to sew him up. Gemma walked in, but I was too focused on what we could use in place of what Chibs needed to think about it. "You guys have small clamps to hold bike parts still, we'll just need to repurpose them for now and I'll clean the blood off later. I've got a good sharp knife in the truck that you can use as a scalpel, it's a pen knife so it should do the trick. I've got sewing supplies in the truck, you can use that for the sutures and needles. Floss works real well as a replacement for stitches. Let me get the stuff you need. I'd suggest moving him to the clubhouse. I'll be there in a second, Chibs. I should have everything you're gonna need. Jax, don't you dare call Tara into this. She never wanted to be a part of this and she's not going to now. Chibs will have it handled." I warned him, rushing off to get everything out of my truck. I tore the cab of my truck apart, pulling out everything Chibs would need and more - an old blanket that could be shredded to use as rags, and some leftover gauze from the old first aid kit I still needed to replace. I stuffed it all into an empty duffel bag and ran back inside just as Jax told Chibs he would call Tara to get the supplies. "Jax, don't bring her here with him bleeding out. If she freaks out on you again and leaves in the middle of patching him up you're gonna be the one with his death on your head. You guys can't afford for him to die on your operating table. Get the shit you need from her but leave her there. If you bring her here, I'll drag her out myself." I threatened him.

"Shut your god damn mouth, Nikki! If I want Tara here, I'll bring her here! You touch her and I'll make sure you never step foot in Charming again!" Jax shouted at me. I froze, staring at him with a blank face.

"Fine. You want me gone, I'm gone. But not until after he's patched up. My house is on the outskirts of town anyway. I'll just go to Stockton if I have to go shopping." I threw the duffel over my shoulder and followed the guys who were carrying the Irishman into the clubhouse.

The Life of Nikki WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now