On the runn

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Yn pov : I've been having some problems lately.Like I think  my husband / son dad (Chris) is cheating.I mean he cheated on me plenty of times & it hurts me to even say that.We've been together for the longest & I kept breaking up with him cuz he cheated every time.I had enough of him cheating on me..This was the last straw.My sister keep telling me calm down he probably not even cheating.Nahh I know he is for a fact , he came home one night late with lip stick on his collar & hickeys.Ohh im about to confront his ass!

Me:"Chris"I said yelling at him standing in front of the tv so ge couldn't see it.

Chris:"What babe ? move im missing the gamee!"he said moving his head different direction to try to see the tv.

Me:*turns the tv off* "Why tf are their hickeys on yaa neck? & whyy do you have lip stick on the collar of this shirt?"I said throwing the shirt at him that had the lip stick on the collar.

He observed the shirt & put it on the couch cushion next to him.

Chris:"yn its your lip stick & it was you who gave me those hickeys"he said looking at me.

Me:That is bull shit man !! I don't have any lip stick that color & I dont really wear lip stick.Last time I checked I didn't give you no damn hickey cuz I would've remember"

We started yelling at each other at the top of our lungs & then my 4 year old son (Joshua) came running down stairs.

Joshua :"Mommy ! Daddy ! Pwease stwop ywelling " he said looking like he was about to cry.

He hated when me & Chris argued.It became something we always did when he was around.I picked him up & gave him to Chris cuz Chris had his arms opened out to grab him.Chris sat him on his lap & I sat next to Chris.

Chris:"Im sorry lil man ,imaa stop yelling ok "he said looking at Joshua.

Joshua:"ok daddy ,Mommy are you gwonna swtop ywelling?" he said looking at me with a sad face.

Me:Yes babyboy I am !

He jumped up & pulled me & Chris into a big hug.I swear he is the only reason why im still putting up with Chris shit.He feel asleep on Chris while watching tv.I picked him up & layed him down on his bed.I packed all his clothes & shoes into a bag.I then called my sis up.

                  Phone Call :

Me:Hey ..... Can you pick up Josh.... Maybe right now .... Thank you sis...Bye love you

              End of phone call

I woke Joshua up & sat him down to talk to him.

Me:"Now babyboy " I said looking at him holding him tight.

Joshua:"yass mommy?"he said looking at me.

Me:"I want you to know that I love you sooo much that I can't even explain it.I may not see you in a long time but I want you to know that mommy&daddy loves you.What im gonna do today is something you'll not understand till your a lil older.You may not hear from me or your daddy in a while.But mommy is gonna try to talk to you whenever she can.Okay baby."I said crying with my head down.

Joshua:"dont cwry mwommy.I lwove you too .... I juss don't understwand."he said wiping my tears away and kissing my cheek.

Me:"Your not gonna understand but just remember that I love you "I said giving him a kiss on the cheek then on the lips.

He hugged me tight as I played with his lil curls.There was a knock on the door I knew it was my sis.Damnn imaa miss my baby.I grabbed his back & took him down stairs.

Chris:"Where josh going" he said looking at us.

Me:with my sister

Chris:"Damnn my twin leaving.Come here lil man"he said looking at Joshua.

Chris picked up Josh & hugged him.He kissed his forehead & they said I love you to each other.Smfhh this is the side that I loved of Chris ... Ohh well he messed with my heart to many times.I pulled my sister to the side & talked to her.

Me:Look tell everyone I love them & im sorry for my actions.Take this number dont give it to nobody ... I mean NOBODY .Okay.Use this number to contact anytime Josh wants to talk to me .Please take care of my son .

Your sister:"Yn what is wrong with you ?"she said looking confused.

Me:"Dont ask any questions okay.Just promise to take care of my Josh."I gave her the number to her that Josh can contact me from & hugged her tight."I love you sis ,come on Joshua your auntie is waiting"

Joshua:"okay bye dwaddy  lwove ywou" he hugged him one last time.He ran to me looked at me & gave me a big kiss ,hug,& smile."Bye mwommy , I wov you"

Me:"I love you too bye baby"I watched them walked out I started to tear up .I wiped the tears away and sat down.

Chris:"Damn you acting like its the last time we gonna see him"he said laughing.

Me :"ohh it is"I said lowly.

I bring up the whole thing bout him cheating again.We started arguing& he said something that made me mad.

Chris:"You no what yn ? I Did cheat on you again ! that's the reason why I did it cuz all you do is fucking wanna argue... Shit"

I got so mad.I started turning red & started to get teary eyed.

Chris:"Look yn I didn't mean that ... Im sorry , I love you ."he said holding my hands.

Me:"its okay Chris I love you too."Im not no damn dummy he says he loves me & sorry all the time ,then cheats right on me.(Fool me once shame on you ,fool me twice shame on me !)."Chris baby lets forget about this okay" I said getting up going to the kitchen grabbing SOMETHING out of the cabinet.

Chris:"Thats why I love you ,you (gco)


I dropped the gun & grabbed the things I packed & left.Yup that's right I shot him.I was sick & tired of his cheating ass.I changed my everything about me ... even my name.I look different but I still didn't go back to L.A. Where we waas living at because I was wanted for murder.I talked to mt baby Joshua once in a while.Our conversation are short because the phone could be tapped & the Fbi or the police could be listening.Im just hopping from state to state just to get away from the police because I killed my cheating Husband.

Chris Brown & Yn ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz