When He's.../When Your..

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When he's happy or excited he'll dance && sing his ass off all day.Which may I add pisses you off.

When he's mad he starts yelling && turns red. He throws things around & punches the wall.

When he's tired he'll lay in bed all day.Snugged up under neath the covers & won't come out the bed unless he's not tired anymore.

When he misses you he'll be all up under you. Anywhere you look he'll be right on your side.He will give you kisses, explains how much he loves you & sing too you which you love so much.

When your sad he likes to try to make you happy.He does goofy things just to see that million dollar smile.

When your mad at him he likes to ask you if your mad it him when it's obvious. He'll do anything for you to stop being mad.

When you're happy & he's happy ... Ohh lord.! Y'all do the craziest things. There's no telling what y'all would do next.

When you're sleepy and he dosent want you to sleep he'll climb on top of you kissing you , asking you if you're sleepy. Then If you still don't get up he'll jump up & down on the bed until you get up.


I kindaa have writers block...I don't know what to write but yeah make sure to votee ...And I'm so happy that this imagine book got to 1k Omgoshh I was soo happy. Thanks to all the people who were voting ♥ Y'all got me here !

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