4. Got to stop saying it

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"Ash?" three letters, one word, one name, one man. The only one that haunted my dreams for five years from when I was fourteen. Not once in my life I thought I would meet him again, at least not like this. If I were given a choice I would wish for not meeting him again, ever. Even four years ago I would have all sorts of overwhelming emotions bursting out of me the minute I laid my eyes on him but right now I felt nothing. It was a black hole devoid of emotions.

"Ry? What are you doing here? Listen if this is about what happened..."

"It's not what you think, Mr. Ashwath I am here to talk business." He was anything but shocked I had a feeling that he somehow got used to cold responses from me. After all the years of coldness from me. He moved away from the door and gave me space to get inside his apartment. It was filled with boxes and nothing in the apartment was unpacked.

"I just moved in yesterday so didn't have time to unpack. I would ask you to sit but the sofas have not been shipped yet."

"That's fine, this won't take long. I know that you have signed with VR Holdings to help with the renovation. I work for them and my boss Ryan, who is your boss too got into a controversy last night which is bad as far as the reputation of the company is concerned, so I want you to come to the company this evening and give a statement to the media that Ryan and you have been friends and have thrown a party last night to celebrate your coming back from states."

I kept it as professional as possible or so I thought. I think he wanted to do the same "I will be there" he said nodding as if in understanding but added "but, I need you..."

"The only time you will ever need me will be when you want to choose your coffin or want to disappear from the face of earth."

"You haven't lost your ability at being awful. Have you?"

"I guess some things never change Mr. Ashwath and if we are done here I would love to leave." He gave up and I knew it.

"Please text me the address along with the time Ms. Riyanshika, I will be there."

"I would say it was nice meeting you but it wasn't. You will get my message; try to be there on time." With that I left before I heard him say anything or saw him again. He was bad news and brought back memories that made me want to have amnesia.


"Kira just rang Ryan and asked him to be there for the press release, I texted the architect the details along with time, Sara is arranging for the meeting right now because the two of them have answered in affirmative and you... what are you doing?"

"I am just thinking Jack; about how horrible my day has been and every time I thought my day couldn't get any worse I was proved wrong."

"It's fine Riya it will get better. But what was I listening in the lunch time about you falling down this morning?"

"Didn't Jay mention the word almost? I swear one of these days you will have to come to bail me out from jail" I sighed and asked that one question I have been thinking about "Jack can I ask you something? Do you think I have some sort of condition that I have an instant hatred for guys? I mean it's not like I hate you or some others from my college or school. But I just hate Ryan, Jay, Hots, Ash... I mean I don't really hate them. Hate is a too strong word to be used for anyone. It's just that I don't know..." I stopped myself from saying more, I was just rumbling, I did that when I am upset. But it is true though I am not capable of hating any one, not even Ash.

"Hey listen to me. You are just having a bad day don't fret it. Things will get better. For now, just let them be. Ok?" I was not very close to this guy but he sure had a way with words. Always knew the right thing to say. Jack was that kind of guy that instantly fell under he-is-a-nice-guy-that-will-be-a-great-friend category "But now I am really intrigued. Who is Hots?"

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