-20. Meanwhile, Down Below

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This is the beginning of a series parallel to the Nextgen Series, taking place in the Negaverse, a parallel dimension to the main universe. It will follow the adventures of the DNK, all of whom are parallels of the Nextgen KND, but with opposite personalities or characteristics. Unlike the main series, the writing and story flow will be much more faster-paced; it would take too long to flesh this out as much as the main series. That said, the adventure will still be pretty lengthy, full of character development, fun interactions, and exciting, action-filled plot-lines. This story, in particular, will have relevance for the upcoming Seven Lights Saga.

Chapter -20: Meanwhile, Down Below

Cleveland, Virginia... er-

It was a very peaceful day in Virginia. Children were playing, sun was shining, the Kids Next Door kept everything in place, and its operatives went on many wild adventures in many stories! ...In other words: clicheeeeeee! Let's take a little look downstairs, in our favorite parallel dimension called the Negaverse.

Pitch-black nighttime in this world, but it didn't mean kids had to sleep, 'cause it was backwards. After the events of 20 years ago, things had changed to match the Posiverse, with adults having (minor) responsibilities and kids being kids, but a balance still had to be kept to differentiate this world: opposite personalities being one, leading to all sorts of chaos or harmony, depending on the person and their preferences, animals having more intelligence and rights, the "rich" having become "poor," and general contradicting times or seasons.

The outer yards of an army base were heavily guarded, searchlights, spiked yards, 10-foot walls, and monkey bars over toxic chasms. A young girl with puffy, dirty blonde hair, clear blue eyes, and brown ragged clothes peeped up from a bush and quietly scampered in the yard. She didn't make a sound with her bare feet, filthy from the dirt of the earth, as were other parts of her otherwise clear skin. She was very quick and nimble, easily skipping over the spike yard in its small openings, sliding to the sides to avoid the searchlights, and as she ran straight at the imposing 10-foot wall, she performed a great jump partway up, and rushed up the rest of the way the moment her feet planted against it. Once she made it to the toxic chasm, instead of grapple across the monkey bars, she leaped into the chasm and landed softly on a small rock platform.

Making careful jumps across the footholds on her tippy-toes, she got to a pipe where the waste leaked out. Wide enough for the width of her body to fit, with careful precision, she dove in and forced her hands to the ceiling corners, with both feet against the outside of the toxic river. She progressed through in this pose until she finally got to the base's interior, to the wider river as she looked to the railing high above. She carefully kicked toward the right wall and Wall Jumped between them, 7 feet apart but still managing.

Once atop the walkway, she began navigating through the base, moving very swift and out of the guards' vision, and while running through the halls, she fell totally flat and slid beneath the security lasers, then made the leap over the remaining ones to reach the platform above. Two guards spotted her, but she leaped overhead and stood on the first one's shoulders, kicking his head back and forth with her left foot before he fell defeated. The second guard shot his gun, but she rolled and dodged between his legs, then kicked off the wall to shoot at his backside. Once he was down, she kicked his head against the floor and took him out.

She then swiped his ID card and scanned it in the terminal, allowing the vault to open. Inside were stacks of money "stolen" for "charity", charity which they wouldn't give it to. She stuffed all the money into an Infi-Cube she had procured, and once it was all collected, she skipped and hopped her way out of the base the same way she came in.

Nextgen Kids: Down in the NegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now